This is an unofficial quote, but yesterday in my
Relief Society meeting, a sister mentioned that she and her family had been affected by Hurricane Katrina and that it had literally taken THREE days for the
Church to come in with water, food and supplies. She said that if she hadn't had their 72 Hour Kits, they would have been in real trouble.
72 Hour Kits are important, make sure yours is ready for whatever comes!
This isn't a comment about 72 hour kits but I just have to tell ya I have been bottling & baking up a storm. I bottled Peaches, apple pie filling, chicken, tomatoes, jam and made peach leathers. Then I have baked 50 loafs of zucchini bread on Saturday. Today I am bottling applesauce! YEAH FOOD STORAGE!
Let's be honest, three days' response time is on the short side of things! Having 72-hour kits are truly a minimum for emergency preparedness.
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