*This giveaway is now closed*
Fran over at Shelf Reliance is offering up a Cansolidator Cupboard for our first giveaway this week! Abbie and I love our Cansolidators, and we know many of you do, too!
If you have a hard time storing all your canned goods efficiently, or if you can never remember to rotate (OR, if you just love to organize!), these Cansolidators are a lifesaver. (And P.S.... Right now, this Cansolidator Cupboard is on sale for under $20... that's over 40% off! Christmas presents, anyone??)
To enter this giveaway, please comment on this post and tell us,
What was the funnest thing you did last summer?
One comment per person, please. If you get our posts via email, click over to this post and comment there. Giveaway ends tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. EDT and a winner will be announced before the next giveaway opens up at 10 a.m.
And finally, feel free to check out Fran's Shelf Reliance store. Right now she also has a 2 Person Survival Pack on sale for 50% off! Thanks, Fran!
Camping at the Grand Canyon
Family reunion at Aspen Grove Family Camp.
Filling up our inflatable pool on the front lawn and letting our toddlers play in the water while we ate Otter Pops. Classic summer fun!
Went to the beach!
Camping and making S'mores in our own backyard. Staycation anyone!?!?
We moved to a 100 year old farm. It's been a lot of work, but we've made some great family memories!
My sister planned a HUGE family reunion with all 10 living siblings at the beach in Nags' Head, NC. We brought our kids for a grand total of 39 in one very big beach house. We had a blast!
Bringing in our crops from our first large garden, and learning the basics of freezing, canning, and storing in a root cellar!
Very satisfying fun!
Extended family reunion in Weber Canyon complete with s'mores, talent show, late night games, hiking...heaven!
One of the funnest things we did this past summer was spend the whole day at the ocean. The whole family worked together to build sandcastles, dig craters, search for shells and frolic in the cool ocean waves. It was fabulous!
we took our son swimming for the first time. quite an adventure
Kayaking with my husband in Forest Park!
Moving was our biggest event this summer. Although it wasn't all that fun, exploring our new town/area has been big fun.
I got to attend, and be the photographer for, my brother's wedding to the best sister-in-law you could ask for!
We went on our first official family vacation down to SLC after being married for 8 years. We went to Lagoon and Hogle zoo and enjoyed the area. It was so much fun and the boys keep asking if we can go back:)
We went camping in the backyard! It was lots of fun.
-Krystal @ recipesofacheapskate.blogspot.com
krystalsrecipe (at) gmail (dot) com
My husband and I got away alone for a couple of days...for the first time EVER! We've been married 14 years and have 3 small children. It was bliss!
My husband and I went hiking in the foothills of the Rockies in Boulder. So pretty!! (though, the altitude was a little intense for these midwesterners) Still, so much fun!
We bought our first house! Feeling really, weirdly grown up now.
we took our 2 year old twins swimming in the lake for the first time. They had the time of their little lives!
ark2800 at gmail dot com
Visiting friends
First trip with just me and my girls on a 14 hour drive to see my niece and nephew baby blessing. (We broke down on the way there and had to stay with complete strangers!) It was an adventure, that's for sure.
So glad you are back. I enjoy your blog as it helps me keep on track and my mind in the preparedness game. Thanks.
OH! I would so love this - would definitely replace my homemade hacked version :)
Most fun we had was cooking days - days spent with us in the kitchen having a blast!
The funnest thing I did this summer was register for college. My kids are grown and I'm taking a couple of classes and having a ball:)
WE went to Utah!!! Where my dad was born and raised. He was able to visit with cousins that he hadn't seen in over 30 years. YAY!
Bike riding!
We went backpacking with our dogs!
Cutting lavender in a huge field. It looked and smelled amazing.
We spent the summer exploring our new state and new city.
JennW in PA
Just spending time with my family.
Family drove 12 hours to visit us! Best part of our summer!
We took our kids to Lava Hot Springs. Even thought it was rainy, we had a blast in the hot pools!
Harvesting and preserving the yield from our garden. Lots of work, but we'll be eating well this winter.
Drove with my husband on a leisurely trip through the Allegheny mountains in Northern Pennsylvania.
Spent 2 months on maternity with my new bundle of joy, Miss Madison Kate
Teaching my daughter how to make and can pickles.
Weekend with my husband sans children.
Had our final family vacation -just us- at a resort near Bemidji, MN that is owned by friends from our church. Fishing, playing cards, and resting.
Trip to Rocky Mountain National Park!
My trip to Europe with my husband. We went to London, Paris & Germany for our 10th anniversary and it was wonderful!
We visited family and went camping.
Went to a family reunion. Had a blast reconnecting with family.
My husband and I moved across the country, taking a month and half to visit family and participate in a theatre show. It was also just after I discovered that I was expecting our first baby, so we had a blast making new memories with our baby to be!
Camping! Hands down the best part of summer for our family!
Most fun thing last summer was welcoming baby #5 to the family!
I did some fun projects with my kiddos! I love spending quality time with them.
Disney World with my family
Waterskiing. First time in two years...aahh, good to be back. :)
I live out of state from my mom/sis/family I went home for a 2 week vancation most fun I had all summer
We went camping for the first time as a family of 4 with our toddler and baby girl!
We drove 2800 miles with our kids to attented two different family reunions.
I painted a dragon and a row of lions for a birthday party. I can't quite make myself throw them away, so they are sitting in my basement protecting the little food storage I have.
Oddly enough, canning Salsa - my girls were so delighted and excited! It made it all worth while!
We went to Lagoon many, many times with family.
Went on a pioneer handcart trek with the youth in our stake!
The beach is always our favorite thing to do!
Introducing my baby boy to his new world! Swimming, grass, trees, sand, dogs. It makes you grateful for the simple things!
Craft Thursdays. We didn't actually do it each week, and a few times it turned into craft friday, but my kids loved it so much.
The most fun I had this summer was the week that I spent at summer camp with our scout boys.
I'm a new reader and am excited to follow along with your food storage plan!!!!
Funnest thing I did was swim every day because it meant my 3 oldest kids, ages 7, 5, and 3 all learned how to swim and dive without swim lessons. :)
I took the summer off and spent every day with my sweet baby! We saw the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans all in one summer.
The funnest thing I did was walk into a tree. I had my head turned and was yakking at my hubby.
The most fun I had this summer was swimming with my 7 year old grandson in their new swimming pool.
I had a great summer moving back to the Great State of Texas!!!!
We flew to Utah for 3 weeks to beat the heat and humidity that hit mid-America. It was so great to hike Zion, visit family, and lounge by the pool!
The most fun thing was canning salmon with my hubby.
We had a great family reunion when my son returned from Afghanistan!
The most fun I had was going to our family cabin. :)
One of the most fun things I did all summer was buy myself enough gammalids to go on top of the buckets that I use frequently. I love to be organized...pick me!
Currently at the beach with my 14 month old for his first time. But also planning a greenhouse for the house when he takes naps. Great times.
My summer was spent confined to a wheelchair with a cast..the highlight was getting the cast off I August and going to a movie.
Went to Lake Powell with my family
Besides laying on the couch all day being sick from pregnancy, Lake Powell. I will never get sick of that place.
Hang out at home with my kids instead of working. That was the best!
We took our kids to Disneyland!
Visiting friends and family in California!
Most fun? The wedding of my best friend's daughter. Being together with the whole family was bliss.
wordygirl at earthlink dot net
Went fabric shopping downtown!
Saturday morning yard sales.
The funnest thing I did this summer was to go tubing down an icy pring fed river! It was awesome. There were 15 of us and we picnicked after. I also learned how to quilt and am loving it!
Travelled halfway across the country to see two old artist friends, one from MN, one from The Netherlands, and played in the studio for a week! So much fun!
(Except for getting stranded in Chicago's O'Hare airport overnight on the way home.)
Trip to Gulf Shores, Alabama with family and friends. It was wonderful...so relaxing.
The funnest thing I did this summer was working in the garden with 5yr old grandson. We bought him a Gator and he had a blast hauling things to different parts of the yard for NaNa and Papa! My big helper.
The funnest thing we did was camping in our new wall tent. A bit of time to put it up but oh so comfy to spend a week in.
attended my granddaughter's graduation from pre-school in Nashville, then spent the afternoon w/family, and a nice meal at Cracker Barrel together.
I went for the birth of our first two baby girl grand daughters, one in Portland, Oregon and one in Charleston, SC.
We went on our first family vacation and visited Hershey town with the kids. So fun!
Family visited...lots of family! :)
Trying to plant a butterfly garden for the butterflies in our area, plus learning to can our vegetables from our garden.
Went to Wisconsin to escape the TX heat!
riding go-karts
Hosted a Summer of '72 Girls' Weekend up at my cabin in the Sierra's. We laughed, sang old songs, danced, ate, and just had a wonderful time.
Played with my grandsons!
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