I've really been enjoying your comments on yesterdays 72 hour kit post. You all have some great suggestions that I want to adapt to my kits, thank you!
I am a big fan of muffins. Sweet or healthy, I love them all. I'm always on the lookout for healthy muffin recipes and this one is a winner.
I found this recipe on Trainer Momma's website, she has some great healthy recipes (original recipe here).
Funny story about why there aren't any pictures: I wrote down the recipe in my planner to make sometime and I left out the egg on my written copy (completely on accident). In my mind I was thinking that it wasn't a food storage recipe, so I didn't take pictures, but when I finished, I thought---hey! These would be a great food storage addition! It wasn't until I was writing this post and went back to the original recipe to source it that I realized I forgot the egg! I'll have to try them again with the egg, but since these were so delicious without the egg, I thought I'd share the recipe.
Ingredients: Raisin Bran cereal, whole wheat flour, baking soda, sugar and brown sugar (or agave nectar), salt, powdered milk, applesauce (or pearsauce is what I used), and vanilla.
Mountain Man and I have been trying to cut back on our sugar consumption, so I substituted agave nectar for the sugar. When you substitute agave for sugar, you have to decrease a liquid from another source, so I added a little less milk. If you want to use sugar, just go to the original recipe source and follow those instructions.
Raisin Bran Muffins
recipe adapted from Trainer Momma
4 cups raisin bran cereal
2.5 cups whole wheat flour
2.5 tsp baking soda
2/3 cup agave nectar
1/2 tsp salt
1 3/4 cups milk (I used powdered milk)
1/2 cup applesauce
1 tsp vanilla
Mix dry ingredients together. Mix wet ingredients together. Add wet and dry ingredients together and mix well. Bake in greased muffin tins at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Watch them, baked goods made with agave nectar tend to brown earlier.
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