As you can see, I needed it! Below is a "before" picture of my food storage shelf. This is part of my three month supply. I've never been very good at stacking cans on top of each other, so it was pretty unorganized.
Thankfully, the shelves were really easy to put together and I was able to have it up and running within 20 minutes of opening the box. And it would have been much faster if my shelf wasn't so narrow... I kind of had to build it in the shelf so it would fit. Tomorrow, Abbie is going to show us lots more pictures of her Cansolidator - then you can see how easy it really is to set up.
See? Looks great! I really like it a lot. I feel like my shelf is being used much more efficiently, and I don't have to worry about stacks of cans falling over every time I go to get something out. As you can see from the picture, I need another one - my green veggies and my cream of chicken soup are overflowing! Mom... are you reading this?
And now....
The nice people over at Shelf Reliance want to give one of these Pantry Cansolidators to one lucky reader of our blog!!
All you have to do to is comment on this post. So tell us...
What do you have the most of in your longer-term storage? Beans? Rice? Powdered milk? Oats? Wheat?
Don't have anything in your longer-term storage yet? That's ok - just tell us! Admitting it is the first step, you know.
As for me, I have lots of rice. Not quite enough yet, but a lot. Which is great, because it's filling and really versatile. What do you have?
The comments are open until Friday the 13th (!!) at midnight EST. We'll announce the winner sometime on Saturday. One comment per person, please.
Finally... want to buy something now from Shelf Reliance? As our reader, you get a special coupon code: SGI20. This will give you 20% of any regularly-priced order sitewide (shelves, emergency kits, food storage, etc).
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 308 Newer› Newest»I have lots of everything but mostly WHEAT. Now that my children are leaving home, I have much more than a year's supply. I keep it rotated, using it daily.
For longer- term storage... We've got tons of wheat.
For shorter-term... we have tons of canned black beans. We use black beans in taco soup, burritos, etc and I have a brownie recipe I'm wanting to try. Yum!
I've been wanting to organize my pantry with these shelves, so my fingers are crossed :)
I had to go look at my inventory sheet to be able to answer this one. I have more wheat than anything else.
Right now it's a tie between powered milk and beans. We barely have any wheat and I really need to start working on that ASAP.
These pantry cansolidators look great, I could definately put a few of these to good use!
I have the most of wheat and oats but that works for us b/c we use them like crazy :)
I don't do wheat but I do have a ton of flour.
I think I have the most wheat. That is because I just purchased a bunch more. We are going through it though now that I make my own bread every week. Horray!
Definitely wheat for us, too. Second behind that is a 3-month supply (for four people) of Mountain House freeze-dried food with 6 55-gallon drums of water :)
These shelves are a brilliant idea! My husband would LOVE these! :)
We have tons of Rice. Need to get going on the oats and wheat!
Thanks so much!
Wheat, wheat, wheat.
I have yet to start my food storage and it haunts me everyday. I love this blog though and maybe this giveaway will finally kick me into gear.
Mandy Cosper
definitely wheat.
I have mostly wheat and I have learned to LOVE wheat. Of course I still have more to stock up on for a whole year supply, but I'm making a trip to the cannery with my sister in law in a couple weeks. WooHoo!
I'll join the wheat club ;) I got a nice manual grinder on ebay, and I love grinding my own flour!
I have a lot of wheat...but not nearly enough. With eight of us...the idea of a year supply makes me a little ill. I don't think I could even come close to all that it says we need.
But, maybe being organized would make the sick feeling go away (a little). hahaha.
Oats are my #1 storage item because I use them the very most in my cooking and baking.
I have the cansolidators in my pantry and I do enjoy them. No more hidden cans of food bulging in the very back of the deep shelving!
I have a little of everything and not enough of anything! I guess its time to get to work.
Lots of wheat and sugar here. Thanks for the great giveaway!
Lots and lots of BEANS!
The items I have the most are wheat and rice. I decided to inventory not too long ago and realized I have 500 lbs of rice!!
Love your site, I have it on my ward emergency preparedness blog.
Wheat. I hadn't inventoried our food storage and I kept buying more and more when we were near the cannery. Then we moved and I inventoried and saw how much we had. But we bought a great wheat grinder so we're rotating it well.
Thanks! And in case I win, I'm hthaden at gmail dot com. :)
I'll confess that the most long-term storage we have is the starter kit from the cannery! A little of a lot of things. Great giveaway!
A toss-up between beans (canned & dry) and rice. Had a large amount of powdered milk in a box but it was stored in the freezer - with the power failure from the ice storm I am not certain if it is any good. We have had to wait to check & clean the freezer until we could haul everything off. Add inventory changes to the to-do list.
This is so timely as I am reorganizing my storage and coming to realization that I NEED this sort of help for my cans - not all cans stack well, especially when you get to 4 high! I stocked up just yesterday on canned veggies for soups and casseroles and our families favorite: mandarin oranges. We also have tons of meat in our freezer.
Wheat, wheat and more wheat. Unfortunately, not the type of wheat I would really want now (soft red wheat as opposed to a nice hard white - which I could really get into!) Cans and cans of soft, red wheat. But, I still use it. :0)
Right now I am trying to figure the best way to do the water storage thing.
Like many others, we mostly have wheat. We picked up a bunch of buckets from a friend at church who was giving them away (she had way to many). From this same nice lady we picked up some buckets of oat groats. I have yet to try them.
I don't yet have a year supply, but I try to pick up a little extra something everytime. Because we live in Iowa City, IA we don't have a cannery nearby, so I'm learning some alternate methods for getting my food storage together.
BTW, our e-mail is
I have more rice than anything else in my long term storage, and I'm working on oats and wheat now. I am working hard toward finishing my 3 month supply (just a few things left to go!!!) and then will really concentrate on the longer term storage.
This can organizer looks really fantastic! Thank you for offering such a great giveaway!
I love your blog! It has gotten me so motivated to get my food storage going. We are just getting started, but the thing I have the most of is oats.
This is a great blog. It is very well organized and has great tips. I have the most wheat, but I also rotate it the most so that is good!
We have the most of rice. My family loves it. We usually end up eating twice a week!
We have the most in wheat. We got it for Christmas from my parents, and it was the best gift ever!
We are really starting to get into long term storage this year, and for 9 people that's not easy! We have mostly wheat for our long term, and are just getting started using thanks to this blog and learning to cook with wheat... mostly cracked wheat and wheat berries so far though. (We still need a grinder... looking...) Short term we have a great supply of cereal and tuna... working on getting a good 4 months supply. I think the thing I need to get the most of is water. Thanks for all the great articles!
We haven't even started on our long term storage yet!! I haven't been a good steward of my time or resources I'm afraid! But, God has led me to blogs like yours and I am motivated and willing to if the money would cooperate! Lol! Thank you for your blog! I love ALL your ideas and recipes! I have learned so much! I look forward to learning so much more!! Thanks again for all you do!!
I haven't started on our long term storage. I feel like I should, but we are moving within the next few months and I don't want to move it. Instead, I have been working on my 90 day supply and I have 72 hour kits (really important in Southern CA).
I love your blog! You inspire me to do what I know I should be doing, but don't know how to start.
Grains, such as flours and oats/7 grain cereals, rice. I need to get stocked up on wheat berries, and have resolved to replace every bag of flour that I use with more wheat berries, then start grinding my own. Next would be sugar, then oil. Thanks for your blog, and thank Shelf Reliance for the giveaway!
I'm pretty even on rice, oats, wheat and beans, but probably a little more beans.
Our wheat slightly edges out our oatmeal. I think between the two of them we have about 40 5-gallon buckets full! I love Shelf Reliance. We have two big metal organizers in our garage to hold all our canned goods as part of our 1 year supply.
I'm going with wheat for our longer term storage but when you add in the canned storage on top of it - definitely beans.
We have the most wheat, but beans are a close second. And they're all black. I really need to use them up. I'm trying to have them twice a week.
If I looked at what we really eat, though, I should keep more pasta. Yum!
We are just ordering a bunch of wheat and beans. I am so glad to have found this website. We are so fired up to get our food storage going. Thanks for all the great help!
Beans and rice! I love them, so I can eat them for a long time. I really want to add powdered eggs to my storage as well, then I will be set!
Lots of wheat, but milk is a close second. I still consider my canned foods and pasta short term, even though I have many months worth.
LOVE your blog.
I think that I have the most wheat. We have lots! I need to get better at rotating it. Right now, we just have it for long term storage. My goal this year is to use it more often.
Longer mean like will last me into next week? Um, I don't have anything longer than a few weeks, but we're getting there. Although, I do have enough hamburger helper to last almost a month on its own! And thanks for the coupon code. Now I know how to use my Christmas money!
The only thing I have a year supply of is chocolate chips. Does that count :0 I found a really good sale last fall and bought 52 bags so we can have homemade chocolate chip cookies once a week
It's probably a toss up between rice and flour. I'm still working on the wheat thing, I got the hard red, instead of soft white. Also we live on a farm which grows wheat, and most years we have two grain bins full of wheat if we really needed it.
Dry beans - mostly pinto, but also lentils, black beans and chick peas. If I stopped buying them regularly, what we have would last about a year with eating them 2-4 times / week. Also on the shelf (spices are in the freezer) for about a six month supply is tomatoes, taco seasoning, and bay leaves so the beans can be plain or fixed up.
Oh, I am storage challenged, too! Is there really any good way to "stack" cans on top of each other? Let's just say it is not one of my talents, at least.
We definitely have the most BEANS in our food storage. White Beans, Black Beans, and Pinto Beans Galore! Navy bean soup, bean burritos, chili, and beans 'n rice are on our food storage menu.
I have 36 boxes of food storage sitting in my living room, looking for a place to be stored. The space under my beds are already completely full of food! I would LOVE to win this giveaway. How lucky that I stopped by the website today. Thanks so much for all the great info on your blog.
I have been wanting one of these as well. I am so far from having a long time storage. I start and then we use it, and I don't make it to the store to replace so we depleat it. I sure enjoy you site and ideas, thank-you. I have the most freezer dried banana's.
I have wheat. That's it!
I probably have more wheat than anything...but it could be a toss up between the wheat, rice, and beans. I'm slowly building my I don't have quite a years supply yet...but will hopefully get there with the next year or two.
I would like to get more milk in my year supply. We have wheat, spelt and oat groats that we grind regularly for our flour. Love you blog!!!
I have tons of beans. I think more than half my long-term storage is beans. At least I have a small variety of them.
I am just getting started on the long-term storage...I would guess that I have rice, mostly. I am still trying to get the family to eat anything with oats in it, but I am working on it! ;)
Our food storage has taken over the garage. Just last night we finally (FINALLY!) went on line and purchased a shelf reliance shelf! Wahoo. That should take care of some of it!
As far as what we have most of, currently it would be rice and oat meal. It waxes and wanes as we use it; and I just replenished both of those!
Thanks for the opportunity, but mostly you have the best site, thanks for all your great work!
Yeah, I really want to win! I have almost equal amounts of wheat, rice, and oats. It is not a huge supply, but it is growing:)
I have a pretty decent food storage going. I have more white flour then anything else. I also have a good amount of canned goods, oils, and sugar. It grows each month.
I have everything you mentioned, just need a rack to put it all in!
Thanks for all the work you do on this site-it's very helpful.
Wow, you sure have the hook-up! How cool that we all get to benefit from 20% off, even if we don't win. But I would sure love to win. We have the most oats right now.
We are just getting started and we started with rice.
We have mostly wheat.
The largest part of our storage is MRE's. My husband got them for free. Somewhere aroung twenty cases. They won't last as long as the rice we have stored. Which makes up the #2 volume slot of our food storage, since it lasts so long, can be used in so many things and, like you said, is filling.
We don't have a ton of anything (we've just started!) but we have the most white flour and black beans. We've also got a decent amount of wheat. I figure we will live off bread :)
ohhh I want these. I absolutely hate stacking cans, that never stay stacked!
I have a pretty good supply of wheat and other items required for bread making - yeast, salt, oil, honey etc. And even a hand mill in case there is no power!!
Wow! That shelving looks wonderful! What a great idea! Thanks for the chance to win one! I have more wheat berries than anything else right now. Next would be oats. As far as canned goods, it would be pumpkin. (I like pumpkin!) Frozen food would be chickens (butchered 24 last year!) Thanks again!
We have mostly wheat, but not a lot of it. We seem to be using faster than we're building it.
Thanks so much!
I am just starting my food storage, so that means I have a whole lot of NOTHING! :)
I have very limited storage space, so this giveaway would be great on keeping me organized and neat in what space I have.
Oh I have wanted some of these shelves! They would be so nice. My husband and I were able to get a TON of wheat from someone that passed away. We are set on wheat. Now we just need to get the rest!
I have tons of oats. Got those 4.5 lb boxes they sell at Sams for $2.82 each on clearance at the end of the season!
I barely started saving my supply, so right now I have crackers, tomato soup and canned fruit saved! Thanks for your blog - it is inpspiring!
:o) Rachel
I mostly have lots of rice, oats and wheat. I would love to win the consolidator! BRKYL7@MSN.COM
My basement is crying for this prize...My current shelving system consists of cans and buckets stacked in neat piles against the wall. It is truly a pitiful sight.
My most abundant long term supply is currently wheat followed closely by rice, then beans.
I love your blog! Thanks so much for the great ideas and the encouragement to do better.
I have rice not much but I am working on it. I am still food storage challenged at this point!!!
Oddly enough, there was a great deal on sugar, and we bought a years worth, so I have more sugar than anything else...not going to get me anywhere if something happens. Next is wheat. We are slowly trying to build up our storage and have decided to devote a large portion of our tax return to becomming better prepared.
Lets see, I have most of wheat and beans, I think. Since its long term, I don't check it like I should!
We just started building up a real long term food storage this past 2008. Thankfully we now have a LOT of food storage and are still building it. THe most I have buckets of is HONEY! We got a "sweet" deal on it from a Honey farm. IT will be good for medicinal purposes too in the event we need to go that route.
We have "inherited" a lot of wheat! It's great because I love grinding it and there are so many uses. I'm going to have to get more soon in fact. I would love to be more organized with the cansolidator.
shannon {dot} adamz {at} gmail {dot} com.
Love your site, love shelf reliance, would LOVE to win one!! My food storage is coming along nicely, and I'm pretty sure I've got the most wheat.... I've stopped with the #10 cans because they're so much more expensive.... for a few bucks more you can get 25lbs from the cannery, and then get food grade storage buckets from a bakery (usually for FREE- and they have great rubber sealing rings in the lids to make them airtight) toss in a few oxygen absorbers, and you've got a whole lot more wheat stored for only a little more than the #10 can...
I just realized I'm out of the flour I thought I had...need to get more. But I have lots of rice! (Still need more, buy hey, we just moved!)
I have more beans and rice than anything else. Would love to win this - thanks for the chanc!!!
We are just starting out again. We went through a tight month in January where we used our reserves and it was such a blessing.
I have mostly wheat, however that's pretty much all I have because I'm just getting started on all this food storage business!! Great giveaway!
Love these shelves. Our family has tons of wheat and oats, followed closely by beans, rice and of all things....salt and seasonings.
Wow! This post is getting a lot of comments! :) I am slowly growing my longterm storage, one 5 gallon bucket at a time. I have mostly wheat, but I need a lot more of it. There are other things that I have less of, but perhaps a larger percentage of what I need.
We have a pretty good mix, but have more wheat than anything else. I've been working on my 3 month supply and could really use this giveaway! Thanks! :)
I have a lot of canned items, mostly fruit, beans, diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, soups. I have a lot of mac and cheese and corn bread too:) Thanks for the chance to win! I could use a shelf organizer. Right now all my cans are stacked inside boxes.
I'm just starting and don't have anything for long term storage . . . YET. I'm still working on the 3 month supply.
We have almost equal portions of wheat (red and white) and beans (mostly black). However, we have only started the year storage.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I have a lot of wheat, but I'm still short for the 1 yr. supply. I do have most of my baking things like sugar, flours, salt, baking soda, etc. So that's good. I'm TRYING!
I only just started long-term storage 2 months ago but I've been putting this back almost religiously~so I've stocked up pretty good! And I just put in a HUGE order of wheat berries, so...that would be what I have most of these days!
I've oogled those canning containers for a LONG time, even before I was thinking longer-term storage!
I have tons of beans!! I'm trying to get more of EVERYTHING though!
We have a lot of wheat. I am 75 lbs away from a year supply. I am really happy about this. I never thought I could do it, but here a I am a year later much further along than I ever imagined.
Although I am new to this, I do have a lot of mixed beans. Got them when they were on special and are great for alsorts of meals.
Thanks so much for your hard work on this blog! I has really been a great help - no matter your age, how much food you have, or how long you've been working on it! I probably have mostly wheat with oatmeal and rice in 2nd place!
Wheat, lots of wheat. And, unfortunately only a couple of recipes and a hand grinder to use it. I'm saving up my rebate money for a nice electric grinder. Half way there!
We're in the wheat fan club. I used to have lots of white wheat, but have used it all up, now mostly hard red. Thank goodness we've had it, though - been using quite a bit of our food storage. I must re-organize and re-stock the supply! A little at a time.
Love your blog, Hannah! Thanks for the encouragement to get it going again.
We have a ton of wheat. Some of its not even ours. I am trying hard to get the other stuff stored up. I love your blog, thanks for all the tips and ideas.
I think I have the most rice, but even saying that it's not a ton. We're building up slowly.
By the way, I found your site recently and am so glad I did!
Wheat is probably what I have the most of. Not nearly enough. I was doing well for awhile, but slowly tapered off. I need to start up again.
I'm fairly new to this blog and I do not have a long-term storage set up. I think it is a great idea and I definitely need to read more of the blog to find out where to's pretty intimidating!
My food storage is awful, i am just starting, I love looking at your blog to get ideas, and I just need to start. Starting is the first step, I have nothing in my long term storage yet. Jana
a tie between wheat and rice... need more of both though!
WHEAT is the winner! We also have lots of oats (love those), rice and beans. I love your site! Thank you for your continued hard work and dedicated to service to us all. Truly, it is appreciated.
I'm just starting out but have a big bag of wheat and tons of cans that I have a hard time accessing since I can't see what's behind them.
Susan in Wisconsin
I have a lot of muffin mix in my long term storage. Odd, I know. But I got a ton on a deal and that's just what we have the most of.
For short term storage, we have corn. So in case of a disaster, we'll be eating corn and blueberry muffins. Yum!
This shelf looks so cool! I've always wanted one.
My husband drinks LOTS of milk as do my little ones...and since I can use that in cooking as well we have the most of that set aside right now. I love those little shelves! Thanks for the giveaway!
I LOVE this organization idea! I have many cans of tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste. You name it! We like pasta in our house. :) Thanks for the giveaway. I hope I win!! My pantry space is quite limited, though I need to stockpile for cost reasons.
Oh!1 I have always wanted one of these...
Wheat and beans mostly
I love the little slot for the tuna!
I have been reading your blog for a while and then got a calling to be over Short Term Preparedness in our Ward. I am constantly coming back to your site for ideas and will be sending others here.
I definitely have the most wheat and am just learning how to use it in everyday items.
Flour and beans with lots of soup cans
Well i just got married and we are just starting our food storage and i have visited your site alot for helpful i really appreciate the help
I have lots of rice and beans!
We pretty much only have wheat in our long term storage. We inherited it from an elderly neighbor so it's pretty old, but I've been rotating through it and it still works. :)
We're working on building up our 3 month supply. Thanks for all your information!!
Wheat by far!!
Oh yay!
I actually have lots of food, but am lacking on shelving space, so this is great!
I would love to win this. I love to organize my storage. My storage includes wheat, then rice, then beans.
Wheat, rice, sugar, some beans and oats, and lots of noodles (macaroni and spaghetti.) The kids LOVE noodles.
I have more wheat and Flour by far.
It's a toss up between wheat and beans.
Gasp! A Cansolidator! Oooooooooo...
I think I have rice as the most for long term, though I have a number of jars of chicken I canned myself. Long term, unfortunately, has taken a back seat to my 3 month supply.
I would have to say wheat. I still need to get my wheat grinder out and use it to make bread and stuff.
Rice. I have so much rice that I canned last year. I'm pretty behind on everything else, but I'm starting to change that. I do have a ton of green beans though too that I got at a caselot sale. That was nice since we eat a lot of green beans.
Oooh oooh, pick me! As of 2 months ago, I hadn't a grain of wheat in the house, but now, I have more wheat than any other product. We're on our way. I would LOVE a cansolidator!
I just ordered my wheat and a grain mill. Feeling a lot better now. Would just love the consolidator. Thanks for all your hard work.
We don't really have a long term storage since we just moved from an apartment to a home. I just bought a bunch of cans of tomatoes and tomato sauce so we are very slowly on our way. This would definitely help with the organization of your shelves. Thanks!
Our long term storage isn't built up anywhere close to what it needs to be, but we have more rice than anything else.
I have lots of wheat, but am catching up with the oats and rice.
My canned goods storage could sure use some organization, and I have been dehydrating all sorts of things to try and squeeze more storage into the same amount of space.
We have about the same amount of wheat and brown basmati rice. The rice stays in our chest freezer as it goes rancid more quickly unless chilled. Thanks for the giveaway!
We have tons of brown rice, and my husband's personal favorite- beans.... from ranch style to refried to black... he loves them all! This would be great!
We have Flour, oats and rice. Now I just need to get a camping stove so I can even cook that stuff.
I just recently started my food storage a couple of weeks ago. The item that I have the most of is wheat. I decided that I better start somewhere and that wheat would probably be the best.
I would LOVE to win of of these. My mom has her entire pantry decked out in this system. It is so impressive. I would love to eventually get the really big shelf system as well for longer term storage needs.
Ha-you forced me to go and take a look at what I've got! It's been awhile. Looks like I have more wheat than anything in my meager long-term supply department. I've needed to focus on my 3 month supply these days. Your blog has helped me stay focused on that. Thanks!
I just started working on building up my food storage, so I really don't have alot of anything. Thank you for creating this blog to help people like me. It has really helped me out, so thanks again!
I am happy to say we have a full year's supply of wheat, oats, milk and rice (thanks in part to a small family). We are currently working on more of the pantry items and are getting close with some and as always, rotating!
i've been dying to try these - thanks for the great review!
We have been reading about this for a few months.Just started DOING it in January,so nothing too much stocked yet,but we are working on it.And a little progress is still progress,right:)
tmw1223 at gmail dot com
I think I have a tie between a few things in my long-term storage. I have the most of onions, sugar, and flour right now. I'm still working on getting a complete year supply. Every little bit helps!
I guess it's probably beans (6 #10 cans plus several bags). I also have 6 #10 cans of powdered milk. Oh, and I just bought 50 pounds of bread flour. I'm not very far along - we're just getting started. But I do have my two-weeks worth of water.
I have mostly wheat, and lots of other stuff, but not enough of any of it really. We are working on it though.
Ooooh! I've wanted one of these for soo long! This is probably the best giveaway I've seen.
O.K. so I definitely have mostly wheat (about 20 #10 cans) in our long term storage. Although, thanks to your blog, I now know how to sprout it, so that number may start dwindling!
Wheat :)
Mostly Wheat, then beans, then, who knows.
Definitely wheat!
I love your blog. I'm a huge fan of food storage and just got called as Enrichment leader because of my passion for food storage. Our RS Pres feels very strongly about teaching provident living and your blog has been a big help to me. I've been planning an activity all about wheat and am going to have your Chicken Salad recipe at our activity for tasting. Yes, wheat can taste good too!
I've got all my wheat! I hope I win!
By weight, my biggest storage item is rice. By number of packages, I think the whole wheat pasta runs a close 2nd - maybe even ties. :-)
Definitely wheat. Especially hard white wheat. We have been loving using it!
It's probably a tie between rice and wheat....
Rice is one of my favorite foods, and that's what I have the most of.
3oink63moo484 (at) gmail(.)com
Same as most, I have lots of white wheat.
Awesome blog!! Thank you so much for your ideas and insight into something so important!
Definitely rice. . although I could use more.
I've got more wheat by a long shot than anything else. Which is too bad, because a few months ago that my wife has a gluten allergy.
Of canned foods, for some reason every time I go to the store for food storage stuff, I feel compelled to purchase cans of corn...
We have more wheat than anything else, but we also go through it pretty quickly, so we don't have as much as I think we do.
Either Beans or Wheat but I need more of everything. I would love these shelves!
I have lots of beans, but need more and those shelves would be awesome!
I have an abundance of baby cereal, yup, baby cereal. I'm not sure how I got that much and since I currently do not have a baby (she is arriving in 8 weeks) it is actually quite funny but sad.
Canned meats, canned cheese and real canned butter!
I have about an equal amount of rice and beans. I need more canned goods, and lots and lots of wheat!
lots of wheat, other stuff too but trying to build up the dried milk to have enough for at least 3-6 months. Lots of canned goods that would work great with the Cansolidator!!
Lots of beans and rice.
Thanks!!!! :)
I have more rice and beans than anything. I'm not sure I have a year's worth, but I'm close.
I have lots of powdered milk, although since I've started using my bread maker, which uses powdered milk in the recipe, we're going through it a lot faster.
I'd love one of these shelves--THANKS!
Beans, beans and more beans! If I really do have to live off of my foodstorage maybe one of these handy organizers will help me choke down beans for the 35th time :)
I've got 5 lbs of rice and 20 lbs of beans.
We have a lot of rice. I am glad this months item is oats, I need more of those.
I have mostly wheat and rice... but my pantry needs some organization... desperately!
We have rice and beans and lots of them. Thanks.
We don't have anything substantial. But I've admitted it and hope to be on my way!
I'd have to say WHEAT. Thanks! :)
We've done a good job on bulking up our wheat storage.
To get my family used to it, I grind it and substitute half whole wheat flour in most recipes...and I haven't purchased a loaf of bread in well over a year!!
Now you know how many people actually stalk your blog--LOL! I have a little of most things for my longer term storage. I'm just getting started! But I'm feeling pretty good about my 3 month storage (which would benefit greatly from these terrific shelves from Shelf Reliance!)
I have lots of beans and wheat and we LOVE them. :) That rack is much needed in my basement. I love the way it utilizes space.
Holy cow, I am amazed at your readership. How awesome! Anyway, wheat. I've got lots of wheat. And only a little hand grinder. Maybe I should put an electric one on my Christmas list this year ...
i just have to say i just found this blog and love it.
As for me, we have rolled oats,beans,top a ramen(kids fav.)and rice . we have a year supply of whaat we use. (we do have a little over a year on all of those I listed! ) because my kids will eat mass helpings of it and right now we have 7 in the cheap fillers are good.
I have more wheat and oats than anything else, but not nearly enough of anything.
My wheat and beans are about even, maybe a little bit more wheat - but I have lots of white flour to do 1/2 and 1/2. So with the white flour and the wheat I have more flour.... If that makes since. I have quite a bit of rice too.. Sugar.... My food storage is coming right along - Yeah!! Thanks for all the tips and recipes!!
My food storage could definately use that can stacker... I really need to get something along that line - so much easier when rotating!
I have more rice than anything, but we're Celiacs. We have 6+ months of our storage so far! Yeah!
We've got tons of wheat!
wheat, wheat and more wheat! We love bread so this is good.
Lots of Wheat. But also lots of cans that need an organizer from shelf reliance...!
The biggest single food type for us is wheat. It gets rotated through the storage as we use it to make bread.
Wow! Great giveaway! For me, I have mostly rice and dried milk for my long term storage. Short term, it's soups. When in doubt, heat up some soup. These shelves would help a ton with the soup!!
I have just started to build up my longer term food storage and so I probably have more wheat than anything else. I love your site guys! You rock!
I got a great deal on Chili at Ralphs so I have lng term cans of Chili in my cabinets!
It's a toss-up between oats and rice.
I have more wheat than anything. I am not there yet, but working on it a little at a time.
Nothing...yet. We have some short term storage, but nothing in long term yet. But this would help...
I have a lot of wheat and also a lot of cream of chicken soup - hit a great sale.
For long term storage we have mostly flour and sugar. So much sugar I need to give most of it away! I suppose I have a sugar-buying fetish???
Short term storage I have cans of refried beans. My hubby is a bean and cheese burrito kind of guy. Which is why we need shelf reliance :)
Mostly wheat. But we have a bit of everything. Going to the cannery in June and stocking some more. Love the blog.
Suzie P
Um, well, I don't think what I have counts as storage- need to get started! Love that I found this site from a friend!
220# of rice
50# of beans
75# of lentils red
25# of lentils green
25# of powdered milk
10# of salt
5# of bullion powder
a few flats of canned chicken and beef stock
a few flats of canned vegetables
I have a lot of different things, but I have tons of cream of chicken soup, oats, canned beans and pasta. Thanks for this awesome opportunity!
Yep! I would have to say wheat for me too! :D
I'm new to food storage and have just recently found your site as well as a few others that are helping me get things set up.
Right now I mostly have canned goods so this would really come in handy!
momofjstm at hotmail dot com
I probably have more spaghetti sauce and diced green chilies than anything else. I'm still in the midst of collecting my three month storage and then going to focus on the longer term. My cans are really getting out of hand too.
Thanks for the awesome blog!
I have a lot of wheat mainly thanks to a family that was moving to a place where they couldn't transport it. And we are grateful.
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