Today, Abbie and I are giving away a Johnson & Johnson All-Purpose First Aid Kit
This little kit is great for your car kit or for your home. In fact, I have a couple of these - one in each car and two in my home. It has lots of assorted bandaids, first aid tape, Tylenol, Motrin, Imodium, an instant cold pack, finger splint, disposable gloves, tweezers, and a first aid guide. There are also some cleansing wipes, neosporin, and an instant burn cooling patch.
Wow, so I was typing that list and copying what the box said and I'll admit that I had no idea that my first aid kits had that much in them. Guess I shouldn't have sent my husband to the store in the middle of the night a few months ago to pick up some Motrin - we had it in the first aid kits! Oops. ;)
Anyway, to enter this giveaway, just comment on this post and answer the following question:
What are your summer plans? Are you going on vacation? Sticking around your home? Working on projects?
I am moving in less than a week (!!), so that will keep me busy for a long time. Hopefully most of you are doing something a bit more fun than that.
One comment per person, please. This giveaway will close at 9 a.m. EDT on Friday. Good luck!
We have one week this summer that we are going to be doing something. My little sister is getting married and my whole family will be in town!
I will be staying close to home this summer. We have 4 boys and my nephew to keep busy. We plan on visiting our local water hole and practicing our Spanish :)
I am putting in my first vegetable garden and staying around town just relaxing. I homeschool and my first just graduated, so I am enjoying the "rest".
We'll be homeschooling and swimming as it's hot here.
My Husband and I are taking summer classes in England for the month of July, and in August, I am working on my senior show, while my husband is in a musical
I am having a baby at the end of July so we will be staying at home. I have some fun projects to do for the baby's room though, which will hopefully make the time pass quickly!:)
I am pregnant - so we will stick around and finish all those projects we haven't done yet!
We are going to be doing a lot of camping, and I get to fly out to Virginia for a week with all my siblings.
We did our summer trip in the spring, which was a good decision. So this summer will be filled with water from the hose, trips to the zoo and having fun with local family members.
We're sticking around this summer, preparing for a possible move in the fall/winter months.
We don't have any plans, other than a Saturday family reunion or other small things like that.
Girls camp, and then a 10 day vacation to my home town and my oldest is getting baptized during said vacation! It should be an exciting summer!
We'll be taking a 2 week road trip from AZ to MI with our newly adopted daughter. This first-aid kit may come in handy.
Family reunions, plein air painting trip, and finishing the basement.
Summer is going to be going to the pool, going on fun field trips, working on Scout patches and badges, and playing a lot! We will also throw in some reading and a quick trip to see family.
This summer we will mostly stick close to home and do day trips to parks, zoos and the river. We also have a large garden that will keep us busy canning and freezing.
Cindy J
We're taking some much needed time off to relax. I'm working on my 1st veggie garden & preparing for my youngest to start school.
We will be trying to keep our garden growing, reading for the summer reading program, and taking lots of time to play as a family.
Summer plans? Let's see: 2 family reunions, a few camping trips, and I'd really like to deep clean my whole house, one room at a time. Oh, yeah, did I mention my DH and I are hoping to get back in the habit of doing stuff with other families?
A few short camping trips and family gatherings out of town... someday Hawaii, but not this year:)
We are taking a trip to see my husbands family in Indiana... we are getting our car kits prepared for the long trip out there!
This summer we are going camping a few times and we are also moving in a month and a half across town. We will have visitors and will play lots with them! It will be a busy summer!
No plans set yet. Just enjoying the warm sun and gardening.
snakan0 at hotmail dot com
We will mostly be hanging around town, going to water parks and trying to stay cool and entertained!!
A trip to NY and Niagra Falls in July, then everything else to entertain kids around the area during summer break--zoo, museums, pool, swimming lessons, etc...oh yeah, and summer workbooks and reading to keep up those skills learned throughout the school year. :)(what a mena mom I am to make them work in the summer!) hee hee hee
Our summer has already started in AZ. So for Memorial weekend we went backpacking and camping. We took our 3 little kids for the first time and they did awesome hiking with their little packs! We had a blast!
Our plans for the rest of the summer is to do our summer reading programs. We have three, one from the library, one from Boarders and one from Barns and Noble.
A family reunion and then just staying home. We will be swimming a lot since I will be having a baby in Sept.
Sticking around most of the summer - hopefully making some headway on projects, like food storage!
this summer we hope to go camping a few times, if it will stop snowing. :]
amy v. young
I am hoping like crazy to sell our house early this summer ~ in this super hot housing market. . . That will set the rest of the summer into motion; pack up and move out, put it all in storage and go visit family in cooler country for the rest of the summer, then return to AZ in time to get settled before school starts. It is the away time that I look forward to. :D
With one brief trip to visit family, I will be spending the summer with my children at the pool, the park, and the garden. We've just started harvesting some sugar peas, and the rabbits got one set of beans. Gotta love fresh produce.
Every year when we have someone graduate from High school, we take our family to Disneyland & to the beach. (This is our 4th trip)
We live in Utah so this is a pretty good road trip for our family of 9 + 2 husbands and a new grandbaby!
We also have family coming, girls camp & youth conderence.
We're having our first immediate family reunion. Now that several of my siblings are married we're big enough to have one. I'm so excited. Now flying with a baby and toddler from DC to CA, not so excited about that....
This would be perfect for the summer!!
We're going to stick around and work in the yard but might go camping later. This would be perfect!
This Summer we are having baby #7!!! So I will be busy with him and everyone else!
I'm spending my summer helping my newborn daughter get better so she can come home from the NICU. Not that exciting, at least until the coming home part!
I am trying to work my tush off so that we can afford to get married this December :o) No vacation for this teacher!
We will be bouncing around from family reunion to family reunion.
This will be the first summer in a long time that I am not teaching summer school. Then once Girl's Camp (I am the Stake Camp Director) is over I am doing RELAXING!
I babysit 2 extra little ones all summer, so i'm not going anywhere! We put a sand box in our back yard yesterday, so the kids can play while i tend our garden. I love watching my garden grow... Good luck with the move!
This summer we'll be doing our own little "home" schooling, my daughter is taking swimming lessons, we've signed up to go to a 50 cent movie once a week, and we'll do lots of sprinklers:-) We're also doing the biggest garden we've ever done!
This summer we are road tripping it a few states over to visit Grandma. What a great first aid kit for the car! :)
This summer we will mostly be at home working on gardens and projects. I hope we can try to squeeze a trip to see family out of state.
Spending lots of time with family and at Lagoon! And trying to keep cool through it all.
No plans, please. Just let me stay put and not run the kids 29 different directions everyday! That sounds like a vacation to me!
No real plans here - just the normal day to day stuff. So why is it when I don't have anything exciting going on that my calendar is already so full?
We plan on sticking around home because I am having a baby the first of July. Trying to stay cool and sane with a 4 year old and soon to be newborn.
we are going very low budget and staying home this summer. we'll find cheap things to do around town.
One quick trip to Lake Powell, and then just hanging around town. Can't lose when home town is sunny San Diego, where everyone else comes to visit!
We took our vacation on spring break so we'll just have a few day trips to the beach and adventures around town.
Stay home and do various home improvement projects.
Have fun with my kids everyday!
We have a couple family vacations planned, but other than that we will just be having fun at home...hopefully with some sun that is finally appearing to stay.
Hopefully going to a family reunion and maybe moving back to Utah.
Summer Plans? Getting my oldest son all packed for college {sniff, sniff}
Get my garden space ready for August planting of winter vegies, trip to Las Vegas with friends, and a short visit in Washington DC.
With a new baby, we plan an a close-to-home vacation. We're just venturing to another city and taking in the attractions.
We are traveling cross country for two weddings and driving a new (to us) car back to our home. Other than that, just hanging around nearby fun stuff.
We are hoping to adopt our second baby this summer!!
We plan to put up a fence in our side yard, rebuild our deck and go visit grandparents on a mission in Martin's Cove. Should be fun!
Two rounds of family visitors and then a road trip to Vermont to see my mom---that's a 19-hour drive with a two-year-old and a six-month-old. Wish us luck!!!
Having lots of fun in the sun. Hopefully some camping. Going to some family reunions also.
We will be busy with church camps, gardening, canning, dehydrating, mowing, etc. I do not think we will get a vacation this summer.
I could sure use a firstaid kit. Thanks for your consideration.
Oh and have fun moving.
Other than a week-long volleyball tournament in AZ we will be staying home and taking care of gardens and chickens. We do plan on several days at the beach though.
We will be busy with swim team, soccer camp, piano lessons, and keeping afloat with our 6 little ones. We will get away to Colorado for a week in July. Family reunions are also on the calendar.
We are gathering our kids and grandkids and 'reunioning' on the Oregon Coast. I cannot wait to see everyone. :)
we'll be filling as many moments with memories as we can. Trips to Grandma's, camping, running through the sprinklers and reading some great books together.
The highlght of my summer would be playing with my two nieces in Utah, if we can manage to make the trip.
We are looking forward to a family reunion, a new niece, and a cousin's wedding. We are looking forward to staying at home and being together with equal enthusiasm.
Thanks for the giveaway. Good luck on your move.
Staying home and working in the garden and kitchen. :)
Family beach trip followed by yardwork and loving my babies! Donna
Loads of gardening here in Ohio too!! Next week we are taking our "new" 16 yr. old to Kings Island that is our vacation! P.S. I love your blog! I am learning so much, and am so blessed by being prepared!
Sis. Martin
we aren't doing much this summer. but you never know, my husband is very spontaneous.
We're going to take a day trip to the beach this summer, and my hubby and I are going on a business trip to Chicago. Mainly just doing things around town. Good luck with your move!
Trying to get the grass to grow! Who knew it was so hard?!
I was going to take a late summer vacation, but now I think I'll take a better approach. I am going to have my chicken coop with or without assistance. We're now going through 3-18 packs of fresh eggs a week, and that doesn't include the powdered egg that I stock up on for cooking from Emergency Essentials.
Then off to the sale barn, instead of starting with chicks, I'm going to try to get some young hens and start that way.
We are going across the country to visit kids and grandkids.
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