
Saturday, March 5, 2011

Calling All Food Storage Bloggers!

Do you write a food storage or emergency preparedness blog? Do you have a weekly or monthly food storage or emergency preparedness column on your blog? Do you have a favorite food storage or emergency preparedness blog? Are you talking to this blog post? (Sorry Even Stevens flashback.)

I'm compiling a link list of all emergency preparedness and food storage blogs for reference. Leave a link in the comments or email them to me at safelygatheredin (at) gmail (dot) com so I can check them out.

Thanks for your help!


Courtney said...

I blog about food storage and prepping in general.


The Harried Homemaker said...

I blog at www.theharriedhomemakerpreps.blogspot.com


The Framed Lady said...

I blog about general providence: growing, canning, storing, organizing, budgeting, etc.


Unknown said...

Canadian Doomer is about prepping, food storage, local eating and powering down for an energy-scarce future, with a focus on city/apartment living on a limited income.


Heather said...

I blog about my experiences cooking with my food storage at

Red Woman said...

I write about food storage and prepping on my blog. I have not been doing this for very long so everything is new to me.


Davilyn said...

I blog about food storage, and other prepping things, 52 weeks ideas. I look forward to your list, maybe I will add to mine also. Thanks


Stephen and Lovell Nix said...

My preparedness blog is found at www.prepnow.us

The Little Red Hen said...

Here is a blog I write. I would love to have your comments as well:)


Apartment Prepper said...

Hello, I blog about food storage and preparedness in an apartment setting. Thanks!

Jimmy (pen name) said...

I have a blog and a webstore where I sell food storage items and wheat grinders (for now).





Janet said...

I have 3 places where I share recipes online that integrate food storage in daily meals.




Aloha2U said...

http://www.americanpreppersnetwork.com an excellent blog site encompassing all 50 states as well as a few other countries, do check into it! Everything preparedness you'll find here.

Pam said...


Anonymous said...


Abs said...

Apartment Prepper, do you have a link?

Angela said...

I blog at Food Storage and Survival. Mostly food storage/preparedness topics.

Kathleen said...

I have a label on the right hand side on my recipe blog entitled Food Storage. My recipe blog is: magfood.blogspot.com

~ B. said...

My blog is fairly new but I have tabs for B. Frugal and B. Prepared that I plan to talk more about food storage and preparedness. I plan on trying to present it as something beautiful to do instead of "weird" or something! LOL! I have lots of readers that don't have the cultural LDS aspect of food storage in their lives so to speak. Anyway, so check it out and see if you like it. Just know that I will have more coming in this area still. Thanks!


K P said...


Christina Hamilton said...

A group of us have a blog that includes food storage ideas (with a link to yours). We have a different theme each day of the week including, organization, food storage, spiritual thoughts, kids, household, money matters, etc. We are just new, but I think it will be fun! www.lifemixedwithfamily.blogspot.com

Someone You Know said...

Hey folks.

Top 50 Survival Blogs at:



The Runners Up at


I'm number 35!!!

Valerie said...

By blog focuses on creating an economical 3-month food storage supply, First! Then going beyond. I also share emergency preparedness posts. I like to share what I've learned with my family. Though I have an LDS perspective, I invite all to read.

Krisi and Adam said...

I have a blog at http://thrivefoodhomestore.blogspot.com I have not been posting as much as I want to but hopefully that will change and I will get more recipes posted as well as other emergency preparedness tips.

frugalredneck said...

I blog about food storage and prepping. Michelle


Unknown said...

Not sure if you're still looking for blogs, but I recently started a food storage blog at http://forayintofoodstorage.com.