I received some storage solutions for Christmas: jars from Ikea. Decor and food storage, can it get any better?
Interested about how the LDS Welfare program works? Read about it in the Deseret News here.
Read about Managing Your Storage Inventory at The Pantry Panel.
A great food storage shelf-life guide at The Survival Center, via All About Food Storage.
Food Storage Made Easy has a free Emergency Preparedness Plan available for download in either an excel or pdf format.
Recipe Substitutions are always handy to have around, especially for food storage (via iPrepared).
And finally, read this article about the recognition and treatment of dehydration from Preparedness Brings Peace.
***Please be patient as we give GoogleAds a trial run. Hey, we're just trying to get more money to buy food storage!***
Hi Hannah - I sent my address again for your contest. If you don't get it this time, let me know & I'll find another way to get it to you.
I can't actually see your ad, since my genius of a husband manages to somehow block all ads on our computers, but I think it's a great idea. And you should get it up and running before that article comes out. Go buy yourself a birthday present with your earnings!
I found some great canned meats (even canned hamburger) at
Best regards,
Hi there. Really enjoy the tone of your blog.
I'm having some problems with the links in the article. For example, the one for "Managing Your Storage Inventory" sends me to something that tells me how to make fruit leather... http://chewynotcrunchy.blogspot.com/2008/09/homemade-fruit-roll-ups.html
These sound like great links, though.
Sorry KR Vancouver, it's fixed now...not quite sure how that fruit leather got there. :)
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