
Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thursday's Giveaway - A Cansolidator!! ***UPDATE: CONTEST CLOSED***

Yep, we're giving away another Shelf Reliance Cansolidator Pantry!! 

We probably don't have to tell you how great this thing is - we've reviewed it in the past (both of us), and we've also given a few away.   And now YOU could own one!  This baby can rotate up to 40 cans, all on one shelf.  Don't miss out!

All you have to do to enter this giveaway is comment on this post, answering the following question:

Where is the majority of your food storage?  In the guest room closet?  Under beds?  In the basement?  In your pantry?  Let us know!

This giveaway is open until tomorrow morning (Friday) at 9 a.m. EST.  One comment per person, please.

A big thanks to Shelf Reliance for sponsoring this giveaway!  Feel free to check out their site for more shelving options (and food storage!)


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Danielle said...

We have a small supply inside the kitchen (usually the week's supply of cans and a longer supply of things like spices). Our longer term stuff is in the garage.

Joey Bennett said...

We have a lot of it, it's just not very well organized. Mostly it's in the garage.

MDawg said...

Some food storage is in the pantry. Most is downstairs.

Matriarchy said...

In our basement, on a collection of shelves we found at yard sales.

Erin said...

Laundry room cupboards. Our condo (thankfully) came with some actual storage in that room. :)

Kathy said...

Mine is in a small pantry in my basement.

Anonymous said...

We have a wonderful food storage room in the basement that my husband built for us when we moved into this house. It is even getting filled up finally. Thanks

Anonymous said...

all over the house yard and all of our vehicles

gtanderson1 said...

Most of my food storage is stacked n closets or used as end tables in our living room.

Tana said...

The majority of our food storage is in our pantry under our stairs. Nice little area to tuck it away. Love the Cansolidator!

Jenny said...

Our food storage is in a big cabinet in the kitchen. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win this! jmojmo24 at gmail dot com

Lara said...

Ours is in boxes covered by a blanket which serves as my husband's night stand :)

Donna said...

Ours is in several places. Mostly in a room behind the barn.

The Mrs. said...

Our in mostly in the upstairs linen closet, we don't have very much in the way of linens.

Anonymous said...

This would be a perfect fit for my food storage shelves in the laundry/storage room.

Kim H said...

In my closet!

ghuff5 said...

My food storage is in a back room off of our kitchen. It could have many uses, it isn't very functional but it is a place to put food.

socks100 said...

In the guest bedroom, in the closet and under the bed.

Troy, Courtney, and Max said...

In the basement on very rickety shelves, should fix that soon. Working in 3 month supply to put in pantry and basement.

Stephanie said...

The majority of my food storage is in the laundry room, and my shelves are bowing painfully. Time to figure something else out. Yikes!

Carolina girl said...

In closets and the pantry.

Pooda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pooda said...

I have a cupboard in our home office that I will move everything into as soon as I have the time! Right now everything is crammed into the kitchen cupboards.

Hélène said...

It is on a bookshelf in my bedroom.

Kristi said...

Right now in my family room. Soon to be moved to our new storage room in the garage we built over Memorial Day weekend.

Anonymous said...

Oh, how I wish I had a basement! My three month supply is mostly in my laundry room pantry. Number 10 cans are under a bed. Buckets are under the folding counter in laundry room and sacked behind the armoire in my bedroom. The armoire is in the corner at an angle so two stacks of buckets are invisible!


Beth said...

Our food storage is in our basement, with most of our water stored in our garage.

Joneel said...

in a shed in the backyard

dee dee said...

Store all my emergency food in large boxes in a closet.
This is a great storage giveaway that would be easy to retrieve the cans.

Momma Nic said...

Under the bed, and in the pantry, and on shelves in the laundry room.

Keep up the great work.
Thanks for making it fun.

ro said...

It's in the pantry and kitchen cupboards.

Anonymous said...

The majority of my food storage is in the master bedroom closet. I only wish it was bigger.

Kathy said...

Our food storage is in an add on room to the house that is shaped so funny it is good for little else! It is also always at least 10 degrees cooler than the rest of the house so that is perfect for food storage! Thanks for the giveaway!

Megan said...

Great giveaway!

Our food storage is in the basement

Jean said...

Our food storage is in various places in the kitchen & mud room. It could use a little more organization.

Soni said...

I am just beginning to establish my food storage. What little I do have is stored in my basement.

Anonymous said...

The basement, and our master closet, of all places!

Shannon said...

I have taken over half of all of the closets in our house for food storage. So, most of it is in closets. What a great giveaway!!

Emily said...

We have most of the smaller items in our pantry, but all of our #10 cans are tucked under our bed.

Michelle said...

Most of our foodstorage is in our laundry room on the shelves above or washer and dryer.

Queen Bee said...

Neat thing! Ours is mostly in the closet upstairs, although it will be in a moving truck soon!

Carol said...

Ours is on shelves in the basement. Just got it organized!

Anonymous said...

Love your blog and thank you for your giveaways. How kind!

I don't have a large pantry storage due to space but it's in an open area of shelves in the hallway near my kitchen. At some point I would like to buy a tall cabinet so I can store even more. (By the way, have you ever written about pantry storage in small spaces?)

Heather said...

Awesome giveaway...please enter me!
Our storage is in our laundry room...we put up extra shelves next to the dryer, and we also have extra shelves in the kitchen!

Dr. Horrible said...

Pantry for food. Non-perishables may find themselves in the laundry room, garage, or a closet.

Stacy said...

Most of ours is in an extra room.

Christina said...

In the basement. I would love to have a pantry upstairs to keep the things I use the most.

Svedi Pie said...

Stacked above our cupboards in the kitchen (it's still growing), eventually the spare room will hold our food storage.

Shenille said...

My food storage is in the pantry/laundry room.

Katie said...

My food storage is in a large-ish basement storage room. We have 5 or 6 resin shelves, a deep freezer, and lots of stacked boxes. I didn't realized how blessed I am to have this dark little basement corner until I read some other posts about people using kitchen counters, etc,

roxanne said...

I really hope I win this one. You guys have quite a following!

My food storage is in the kitchen and pantry.

Meghan said...

In our very small pantry that I can't reach everything in!

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