Thursday, July 31, 2008

How to Rotate Food - Rotating Shelves

This is another very basic way to rotate food. No doubt, many of you are familiar with the shelves that "roll" your cans forward so that you are always using the oldest food first. I'll admit, I really want to have one of those someday; however, they are extremely expensive, especially if you have to pay shipping for it. Even the smaller version ones (pictured above) can be pricey.

So, I have good news and bad news.

Good news: did you know that you can build shelves like these? You can! There are building instructions, so everyone can use this method if they so choose (without buying the expensive shelves). Granted, you have to buy all the supplies, but if you use scrap wood it shouldn't be too bad.

Bad news: We don't currently have the completed .pdf file for these instructions. We're working on it, though, and once I get my scanner to work, it will be posted (hopefully by this weekend. We'll let you know in our weekend roundup). It will be added to our files on the lefthand column of the website (under "Free Printables").
Do any of you have experience with these shelves? Are they worth it?

Other Rotation Methods


  1. I have quite a few of these can rollers and love them. The only drawbacks are mine only hold 9 cans (I usually have need for more room) and if you use the big ones for spagetti sauce (or some other glass jar) it's a little scary because it seems like they could shatter. Haven't had that happen yet, though.

  2. i love love love ours. i think that they are fabulous! the website josh and i bought ours on often has great sales. we bought ours on sale and got free shipping. they also have great deals on food storage food.

    the only bad thing i could say about it is it was kind of hard to put together, but well worth it in the end. highly recommend it!

  3. So... I am obsessed with your website, and since I recently found it, I spend my spare time perusing all the old posts. I am definitely interested in the instructions about building your own rotating shelves, but I don't see it. Am I missing it, or have you not been able to put it up?

  4. How to instructions and Blueprints of how to make your own self rotating shelves.
