Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Food Storage Tuesday

Every Tuesday, we post specific items you should gather in order to supplement your emergency car kit, your three-month supply, and your longer term storage.  If you are new to our blog, don't worry!  You won't be left behind.  Just start up where we are and follow along.  You will eventually have everything completed.  Once the car kit is complete, we'll be putting together 72-hour kits again (week by week).  Once those are done, we'll gather the car kits again.  So don't worry, just jump on in and join us where we are today!  

This week for your car kits, add hand sanitizer, a pen & some paper, and pocket knife, and $5-20 in change and small bills.  Sounds like a lot, but it's just a handful of small things that you probably already have around the house already.  After you have added these to your kits, you are DONE!  If you have been following along each week, you should have a completed emergency car kit!  

How's your three-month supply coming along?  Having trouble with rotating all that food?  Check out our 5 food storage rotation methods.

How's your longer-term storage going?  We're finishing up gathering "other" items this month. In June, we'll be focusing on wheat.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Food Storage Tuesday

Every Tuesday, we post specific items you should gather in order to supplement your emergency car kit, your three-month supply, and your longer term storage.  If you are new to our blog, don't worry!  You won't be left behind.  Just start up where we are and follow along.  You will eventually have everything completed.  Once the car kit is complete, we'll be putting together 72-hour kits again (week by week).  Once those are done, we'll gather the car kits again.  So don't worry, just jump on in and join us where we are today!  

This week for your car kit, add some jumper cables.  Hopefully you have some in your car already, but if you don't, this would be a great week to get them!  Also add some hand sanitizer.

How's your three-month supply going?  Remember to make a food storage plan, make up your shopping list, and go from there!  We have a lot of great food storage recipes to choose from when it comes to making your menu plan.

This month for our longer-term storage, we're still gathering "other" items.  Flour, sugar, yeast, salt, cocoa, etc... things that will make the basics (wheat, oats, rice, and beans) a bit more interesting!

Monday, May 21, 2012

Motivational Monday

“Teaching children the joy of honest labor is one of the greatest of all gifts you can bestow upon them” 

Elder L. Tom Perry of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles 
 (in Conference Report, Oct. 1986, 78; or Ensign, Nov. 1986, 62).

Friday, May 18, 2012

FSF from the Archives: Recipe Roundup

Lately I've been loving some of the oldie recipes from the blog. This week I've made Super-Charge Me Cookies a big batch of whole wheat  bread and one morning when I found myself without eggs (!) I made the pantry pancakes for my girls.  Delicious!

What have you made recently?

Monday, May 14, 2012

Motivational Monday

"We encourage you wherever you may live in the world to prepare for adversity by looking to the condition of your finances. We urge you to be modest in your expenditures; discipline yourselves in your purchases to avoid debt. . . . If you have paid your debts and have a financial reserve, even though it be small, you and your family will feel more secure and enjoy greater peace in your hearts."
—The First Presidency, All Is Safely Gathered In: Family Finances, Feb. 2007, 1

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Food Storage Tuesday

Every Tuesday, we post specific items you should gather in order to supplement your emergency car kit, your three-month supply, and your longer term storage.  If you are new to our blog, don't worry!  You won't be left behind.  Just start up where we are and follow along.  You will eventually have everything completed.  Once the car kit is complete, we'll be putting together 72-hour kits again (week by week).  Once those are done, we'll gather the car kits again.  So don't worry, just jump on in and join us where we are today!  

This week for your emergency car kit, add an umbrella and a book (maybe scriptures, or just a favorite book you may have).  You can find one of those small umbrellas that fold up to be only a few inches long, so they won't take up too much space in your kit.  I also like to have a new paperback Book of Mormon for myself, or for giving away.

How's your three-month supply coming along?  Don't forget to stock up on hygiene items, medications, over-the-counter medicines, etc.  It's not just about food!

And finally, we are gathering "other" items this month for our longer-term storage.  Last week I found a local beekeeper through Craigslist and was able to stock up on some local raw honey.  It's delicious and I got it for a great price.  Honey is great for food storage because it never really goes "bad". (If it crystallizes you can just heat it up and it will liquify again.)

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Food Storage Tuesday

Every Tuesday, we post specific items you should gather in order to supplement your emergency car kit, your three-month supply, and your longer term storage.  If you are new to our blog, don't worry!  You won't be left behind.  Just start up where we are and follow along.  You will eventually have everything completed.  Once the car kit is complete, we'll be putting together 72-hour kits again (week by week).  Once those are done, we'll gather the car kits again.  So don't worry, just jump on in and join us where we are today!   

This week for your emergency car kit, add a blanket or some towels, 1 change of clothes per person (or at least for your children), and diapers (as needed).  Keep your climate in mind as you put the clothing in.  During the first week of October, when we remind you to rotate food in your car kit and 72-hour kits, we will also remind you to switch clothing (new sizes, different clothes for colder weather, etc).

How's your three-month supply coming along?  I've been able to stock up on a few things lately during some sales at the grocery store.  Make sure you make a food storage plan, and create a master shopping list from there.

It's May!  A new month means a new longer-term storage food to focus on.  This month, we are gathering "other" items.  I don't know about you, but if I had to live for 3-6 months (or a year!) on my food storage, I wouldn't be very happy with only wheat, beans, rice, and oats.  So, consider some other ingredients to have on hand in large quantities.  I stock up on pasta, sugar, white flour, yeast, bouillon cubes, salt, honey, powdered milk, etc.  I also like to have lots of canned tomatoes since they are so versatile (diced, whole, paste, sauce, crushed, etc).