
Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's another GIVEAWAY - First Aid Kit! ****Contest Closed****

As we said yesterday, and last week, February just seems so long and dreary, so let's brighten up the day with another giveaway.

This week's giveaway is an awesome first aid kit from Survival Outpost! You can read all about the kit here, but let me tell you, it's got it all; I'm sad I can't just keep it for myself!

All you have to do to enter the giveaway is leave a comment answering this question:

What do you keep your 72-hour kits in? Do you use backpacks? Suitcases? Big plastic bins? Buckets? Plastic WalMart bags (I hope not)?

Don't have your 72-hour kits yet? That's ok, just leave a comment all the same - and start with a first aid kit!

One comment per person, please. This contest will close at midnight on Friday the 27th, EST.

SurvivalOutpost.com is an Austin-based on-line business specializing in Preparedness Supplies and Survival Equipment for individuals, families and businesses. The SurvivalOutpost.com philosophy is to balance reason with readiness, and to encourage knowledge, independence and self-sufficiency as tools to survive in an increasingly uncertain, unpredictable and interdependent world.

Be sure to check out Survival Outpost for any of your emergency preparedness needs! And thanks to Survival Outpost for the great giveaway.


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Stephanie said...

We have ours in backpacks for each of us at the moment as well as in the big plastic bins. Thanks for this blog... it really helps a ton!

Flashlight Girl said...

We have a backpack for each family member. Most of these we bought at the DI. My husband's backpack is a really large one with lots of pockets and holds tools and such that the rest of us just can't carry. I'm biggest challenge with these kits is keeping them updated. Children grow so fast!

Clair said...

love your blog title and look forward to getting into it- thanks for sharing what you know and do

Kristina said...

Ours 72 hour kits are in backpacks right now, hanging on hooks on our garage. Our kits need some work, so I am grateful for all of your information.

Ruth P said...

We use backpacks!

Julie said...

I have all my emergency items in plastic bins in the garage for easy loading. I don't have 72 hr. kits yet though

Ritzville RS said...

Mine and the Hubby's are in sturdy hiking packs, since we would carry most of the load for our family's needs. Our kids' are in backpacks with the lightest items, aside from thier personal clothing, etc.

Jessica Anderson said...

We don't have much of a 72 hour kit as of right now.. in fact, we really don't have one at all. So this would be a great start to it!

Sondra said...

Back packs.

I hope those who don't have one together - get it done. I know if there is an emergency - I will be soooo mad at the people who aren't prepared. Do you end up giving your supplies to the children around you - who's parents didn't get them a 72 hour kit? I think I would rather find a place to camp out - away from the unprepared crowd. I hope everyone who reads your blog will get it together and get their emergency 72 hour kits completed... Sorry for the rant!

Ashley said...

We've got two backpacks and one duffle bag on wheels. Works for us!

Destiny said...

I haven't actually started my 72-hour kit. This would be a great start though.

Michelle said...

We have ours in backpacks and a large duffle bag for the bigger stuff. My baby is almost one and he doesn't have a backpack yet, so that is my goal :). Our food is in a plastic bucket. Thanks for the giveaway. You guys are awesome!

JennVan said...

Mine is in a large duffel bag that some roommate a million years ago left after she moved with no forwarding address. I'd love to have a first aid kit nice and organized like this one.

Kathi said...

Ours are not complete, but what we have so far is stored in backbacks and in rolling suitcases.

Unknown said...

Backpack. Hopefully we would never have to actually put them on and schlep them anywhere...

Unknown said...

We don't have one yet but we are working on it.

Andrea Gunnell said...

I have ours in backpacks, although I am just starting!

whimpey said...

We have ours in backpacks. Our son's is a rolling one incase it gets too heavy to carry.

~Pam said...

My car kit is in a plastic container. Should probably organize it again soon...!

Karen P said...

our stuff is in backpacks and a clean garbage can with a closed lid in the garage.

Lara said...

We keep ours in large duffel bags, one bag for each person.

Anonymous said...

Ours is in a plastic tote. I keep a smaller kit in the car all the time. Each person has their own pack ready to go. Pet stuff, water supply and a few important items would be added at the last minute. I guess a better first aid kit than what came with the car would be a good idea?! Please add me to your drawing!

Thanks! This is a great blog!

Sarah said...

We have a plastic bin that houses most of our 72 hour stuff, then the emergency aid stuff is in the bathroom. Weird, I know. I'm in the process of putting it in all one place.

Angie (Drowns) Kelly said...

Backpacks and a couple rubber maid containers...Thanks for you service!

Anonymous said...

I put most of my supplies in a modified milk jug with labels and info. We also have backpacks. I am only getting started since I found your website about a month ago. I was motivated to be better prepared. I have been focusing on food,but I know the first aid kit is vital.

Jessica said...

My in-laws gave us the gift of 72-hour kits for Christmas in backpacks. Isn't that wonderful? My blog is private, but my email is jmarie_jensen@hotmail.com

The Scavenger said...

We have a back pack for each member of the family. That is so great that you are giving this away. Who know's maybe to me. lol


Jennifer said...

We keep ours in backpacks.

Brennan said...

Backpacks are the way to go!

Camille said...

I am just getting started so I have food only. I would love this kit!!!

hsmama said...

I don't have a 72 hour kit yet!! A first aid kit would be a great start!! I do have some items stored up--I hope we never have to leave home because we have farm animals that need to be tended to!! God Bless!

Gel said...

2 heavy duty backpacks. Now that my son is almost 5 I am going to get him his own pack.

Ryan & Jessica said...

First of all I want to say thank you for your post (this was a long time ago) on what items to place in your 72 hour kit. We used that to complete ours which we keep in one backpack per person located under our bed for a fast getaway. Hopefully we will never have to do this,of course :)

Cindi said...

Ours are in backpacks..but need to be updated. We did them years ago.

sherry said...

Our kit is being put together and will be in a couple rolling backpacks at this point. We don't have a first aid kit designated yet so I'm hoping to win this giveaway. :o)

Thank you so much.


Lauren said...

We have backpacks for ours, but I need to add a few more now that our family has grown! LOVE your blog girls!

Lauren said...
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Lauren said...
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Anonymous said...

Imagine an army duffel bag...only smaller and "rattier"!

Cashelle said...

We keep ours in old laundry detergent buckets with clothes and personal items for that person in their own backpack.

Jennifer said...

We have our 72-hr kits in bright red backpacks hanging on the wall of our garage.

Anonymous said...

We don't have 72hr kits yet...I'll get right on that!

Angela said...

Ours are in backpacks and one duffel bag. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

Just getting started...so this would be great.

Mrs. Johnson said...

We had a kit going and forgot about it. We went through it this weekend and realized everything was outdated and it needed to be redone. AH! We're working on it! I just found your site today - great resources for me! :)

Unknown said...

We keep our kits in a small bag - the kind you might take your gym clothes in. It can be slung over the shoulder or carried by hand.


Anonymous said...

We use backpacks.

Jon and Sarah said...

We keep our 72 hour kits in backpacks. Granted, they still need to be packed, but the items are there and waiting. I am hoping they jump in the backpack and organize themselves.

Robin said...

I love your blog. I recently shared it with everyone at RS Enrichment night.
We keep our 72 hr kits in old backpacks that the kids won't use for school anymore because they aren't "Cool" So I just couldn't throw them away.
I would love to win.

The Merkleys said...

Ours are in backpacks...But are in serious need of a "re-vamp." On my to-do list (with about another million things!)

Anonymous said...

I have three 72 hour kits. One is always in the car. One is in plastic drawers by the door. One is in a rolling suitcase. I'd love to win such a nice first aid kit!

Becky said...

We have ours in plastic buckets. I like to store them this way. We would LOVE to add this to your kits though....pick me!!! :)

Kendall and Melissa said...

We have the beginnings of ours in backpacks and the MREs in a box. Not totally practical, but I haven't figured out a better solution yet.

Ryan said...

I have a large backpacking pack for me, a smaller pack for the wife, and a very small Mickey Mouse backpack for my 3 year old. He loves it and always wants to take out his flashlight and whistle to play with.

Valerie said...

Our 72 hour kits are in rolling duffel bags for the adults and rolling backpacks for the kids. That way, if we need to walk, they can roll. If we just need to carry them for any reason, there are straps to carry them with. They are not complete, so I hope they do not get too heavy. I am optimistic :)

Chris said...

Backpacks, but they're a work in progress.

Unknown said...

Still waiting for the next giveaway.

First aid kits Australia

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