Saturday, July 2, 2011

A little Break

Hello all!

You've probably noticed our absence over the past few weeks, we're sorry to leave you hanging.

Hannah and I are both going through some changes right now,including moving and job changes, and things are a bit stressful. We've decided to take a month off and have a blog-cation! We hope you have a wonderful July and enjoy this summertime with your families and friends.

We'll be back in August with some great giveaways, new recipes and more emergency preparedness/food storage articles and ideas.

As always, thanks for reading!

Hannah and Abs

P.S. Happy Independence Day

1 comment:

  1. ENJOY! While you are out, I will be voraciously reading your blog!

    We are a hs'ing family of 7! I am very excited to learn and begin our family emergency preparedness.

    Thank you for creating this blog!!

    Andrea, for all of us Joneses! : )
