Monday, August 30, 2010

"It's in the Bag" Winners

Thanks to everyone who participated in our "It's in the Bag" food storage book giveaway!  We used to find our TWO winners, and they are:

#21, Sarah, who said:

"What an interesting new take on food storage! I would love to learn more about it and have more food storage friendly recipes.

As far as a dream vacation...I would have to say the Caribbean."

and #66, Michelle, who said:

"I love the bag idea!

I would love to go on a cruise to anywhere with my husband! I love cruises!"

Congratulations, Sarah and Michelle!  Please email us at safelygatheredin (at) to claim your prizes.

Thanks to everyone who participated!  If you didn't win but are still interested in buying the book, you can find it at a few places online, including here on Amazon.

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