Thanks to everyone who participated in our Emergency Essentials giveaway!
We had 107 comments, and we used to find a winner.
And the winner is........ #43, Shane and Brandi, who said:
It was so hard for me to narrow it down to one. Basics it would be rice. We have had to live on our food storage before, and you can make rice so many different ways. It saved us.
Congratulations, Shane and Brandi! Please email us at safelygatheredin (at) to claim your prize.
Thanks everyone for the great food storage ideas that we got from your comments - I know I got a lot of great ideas for new foods to store and I'm excited to expand my food storage.
We'll be posting our next giveaway shortly, so come back later this morning to check it out!
My favorite kitchen gadget is my KitchenAid stand mixer, most specifically the pasta making attachments. I love homemade pasta, and apparently so does my husband, who bought it all for Christmas so I'd make him more pasta!