Saturday, February 6, 2010

Thanks for helping

Thanks to everyone who has bought our e-book over the last two weeks (some people even bought multiple copies!).  100% of the proceeds will be sent to help in Haiti relief (via LDS Humanitarian Services).  We were able to raise more than $100, so THANK YOU!   I know that in the large scheme of things that may not seem like much money, but every little bit helps.

We hope that you will find the e-book helpful as you plan and utilize your food storage daily.  If you are still interested in purchasing our food storage e-book, click on the link.

If you would like to donate to Haiti relief via LDS Humanitarian Services, click on that link.  100% of your donation goes to the relief fund.  If you do not have the resources to donate money, I encourage you to click on the link and look around the website, and read about what is being done to serve the people in Haiti.  It's so inspiring! 

Thank you again!

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