Thursday, January 21, 2010

Help Haiti

I hope you enjoyed our post on earthquake preparedness yesterday. This earthquake in Haiti is one of the situations we prepare for by having our 72 hour kits stocked and ready to go, and our pantries full of nonperishable foods. Unfortunately, most of the population of Haiti doesn't have food stuffed under their beds and in their guest closets.

One of the reasons for having food storage that we don't talk a lot about is the opportunity for giving. If we set aside enough food and supplies for our families in times of trouble, then we will always have enough to share with others in hard times.

Sarah, in the post yesterday, gave a great suggestion for helping Haiti. Use a few meals from your 3 month supply in the next few weeks and save the money you would have spent on groceries and send it to Haiti via your favorite charity.

If you want to help but don't have the means to send money, consider serving in your own community. Take a box of canned goods to the food bank and volunteer your time. Take your children to talk to people in a nursing home for an evening. Bake dinner for a family in need in your neighborhood.

For the next two weeks, Hannah and I will be donating all of the profits from our e-book sales to help the victims of Haiti. The money will be going to Humanitarian Services of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. We picked this service because 100% of the money goes directly to the victims. LDS Humanitarian Aid is run completely by volunteers so money isn't taken out of donations to pay administrative salaries.

If you've been waiting to buy the e-book, now is a great time--get your food storage recipes and help the earthquake victims at the same time!

1 comment:

  1. Done! You girls are wonderful. Thank you so much for offering this!
