Saturday, December 5, 2009

Saturday Roundup: Welcome to December!

Some THRIVE meat has been recalled via All About Food Storage, details here. And totally unrelated to meat, there is a delicious looking recipe for dried apples here, now that's a reason to get dried apples.

Everyday Food Storage
has a pdf download available on how to survive the flu as a mom. My strategy is the dvd player, saltine crackers and sprite. The ideas here are much more in depth.

Wanna learn more about split peas? Food Storage Made Easy has an informative post here.

If your home runs on gas, iPrepared explains how to shut your gas off in case of an earthquake. Also from iPrepared, details on why it's not a good idea to wax cheese to preserve it.

A great Christmas gift idea from Preparedness Brings Peace: have a neighborhood food drive instead of exchanging gifts. That would be a time and stress saver, not to mention the added benefits of service. There is even a sample invitation here.

Preparedness Matters has instructions on how to make homemade cheese from powdered milk. Looks instense, but if you are a cheese lover you may be interested.

Have a wonderful weekend!

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