Thursday, November 19, 2009

It's a Giveaway!! ******CONTEST CLOSED*********

*********UPDATE CONTEST CLOSED*************************

It's Shelf Reliance's 5th Birthday this week and to celebrate, they want to give one of our readers a $50 Shelf Reliance gift card!!

To enter the giveaway, leave a comment on this post and we will use to choose a winner! Answer the following question:

"What is your biggest food storage challenge?" I'm pretty sure we've asked a similar question in the past, but we'd love to hear what things you are currently struggling with so that we can address these issues in the future!

You can also win a second entry by visiting Shelf Reliance's website and signing up for their newsletter, which is a regular email about their current sales, promotions, and other fun things that Shelf Reliance is up to (they have food storage and emergency kits as well). If you sign up, make a second comment on this post saying you signed up, and that will give you your second entry into the giveaway.

The giveaway ends on Friday, Nov 20 at midnight, and we'll post the winner on Saturday.

In celebration of their 5th Birthday, Shelf Reliance sent us a little history about their company, which we'd like to share with you. It's pretty inspiring!

"Jason and Lindsay Budge became acquainted with Steve and Amy Palmer while attending college. Though they didn't immediately realize the devout friendship and enduring partnership they would form, they both felt the need and responsibility to prepare their families for the future.

"The two families have always believed that the keys to happiness are the pursuit of self reliance and the proper balance of life's priorities, including a sound education, healthy diet, physical fitness, financial independence, devotion to family, and faith in God. However, there was a key component missing in their goal to be self reliant: an adequate supply of food and provisions to prepare their families for unforeseen hardships or emergencies.

"In the summer of 2004, Jason and Steve felt a strong desire to find a solution to this problem. At a time when they were facing difficult decisions and personal challenges - including Lindsay being hospitalized for 3 months to save her unborn twin daughters - Steve and Jason could no longer suppress their desire and passion to help people become self reliant. They turned down extraordinary financial opportunities, took the leap of faith, and started Shelf Reliance.

"Shelf Reliance has developed proprietary food rotation products which make food organization and rotation more manageable. The company has also developed its own line of food, THRIVE, recognized for its high-quality and excellent taste.

"Through innovation, hard work, balance, the dedication of its employees and representatives, and an unceasing determination to help people around the world become prepared, Shelf Reliance has become the most trusted name in the industry."

Thanks again, Shelf Reliance, for the awesome giveaway. And readers, be sure to visit their site for more birthday fun, and check out their blog, too!


  1. Gotta love a giveaway!:)

    I would say our biggest issue with food storage right now is being able to afford to keep adding to it. Our daughter recently got married and we are a bit short of cash.:) On an ongoing basis, I would say that organization is usually our biggest challenge. I have finally learned to stop buying items simply because it's on storage lists or someone else is storing it. We are storing ONLY the items we actually eat now. Took us a long while to really figure this one out.:)

    Thanks for the chance to win!

  2. My biggest challenge is SPACE! I've dedicated a closet to food storage, but's an under the stairs closet, so it's not all that big. The other challenge is that my husband thinks I'm a wacko for storing food!

  3. I think our biggest issue is carving out the money for storage and making sure my recipes use the items I store and I store what I use. I am doing better with beans, though!

  4. I'm already signed up for the Shelf Reliance newsletter. Hope that counts!

  5. Rotation! I am awful about opening the jar of peanut butter I just bought rather than the one from my food storage room....

    Thanks for the great give-oh-way!

  6. My biggest challenge is finding things to store that my too-picky twin boys will actually eat and we can rotate. At this point, they will be living on spaghetti and macaroni and cheese. :)

  7. I'm already subscribed to their newsletter. Thanks for the extra chance.

  8. My biggest challenge is rotating! I am really bad at using what is stored and replacing.
    I think this is a common problem... and I just need to get a better organizing system. It's doable.

  9. Our biggest challenge is space. Where do you put a year's supply of food for ten people? Although I must say the two rolling can shelves we have made a TON more space for other storage items. We love Shelf Reliance!

  10. I have so many challenges. Mostly organization. Also, making myself use and rotate what I have.

  11. My challenges are the usual ones: money and space. Probably space more than money. Somehow the money all works out!

  12. As so many have said, money. When times are tough how can I justify buying extra food for storage?

  13. I think our biggest challenge right now is a mix of lack of space & money. I try to buy extra of what we use, but then we use it up before there's money to replace it. {We live on a commission-based income so there are often looong gaps between paychecks.}

    I would LOVE some Shelf Reliance products to help us get our small spaced organized!

  14. My biggest hang up is the meal planning. I can buy extra food but to actually come up with a meal out of all of it can be tough

  15. biggest challenge = space. space space space. Our tiny home is already packed to the edges with our life story.

    we love the idea of shelf reliance.

  16. subscribed to their newsletter. thanks.

  17. Biggest challenge is keeping up with it and keeping it organized. We dip into it regularly when we need something and then don't keep track of what we need to replace, or what we actually use, so it becomes more just a stash of foodstuffs instead of actual things I feel like we can use.

  18. I would say rotating things with a shorter shelf life that I don't cook with every day, like canned milk. It's only good for a few months, so it's hard to use/rotate a large supply for a family since we have access to fresh milk. But it is so nice to have around.

  19. Biggest issue with me and our family is trying to get them to eat more whole grains and beans so we can make sure to keep everything rotated. Thanks for all your hard work, your blog has been a great help to our family!

  20. Also, I already get the Shelf Reliance Newsletter. Hope this counts!

  21. I have become more serious about our family's food storage and preparedness efforts in the last few years. I face the usual challenges of finding time to garden, preserve food, shop for bargains, rotate, and store our food and supplies. However, my biggest challenge is a growing sense of unease about America's future. It is a struggle to keep my ear tuned to the voices of reason who teach that "if ye are prepared, ye need not fear" and yet not be swayed by the those who cry "the sky is falling."

  22. For the moment, my biggest challenge is the fact that I'm moving in a month and then will be moving 3-4 more times in the next year or two. Kinda puts a damper on my desire to build up if I know I have to either eat it all or lug it across the country. Previously, it was the slow progress of only being able to buy 1 or 2 cans per week.

  23. I subscribed to the Shelf Reliance newsletter.

  24. it think for me the hardest is knowing what to store as well as how much. am i planning to totally live of it, then i need lots more fruits and veggies, or is it a supplement when times get hard. How to know if i could really live off what i have stored and for how long.

  25. My biggest food storage challenge is keeping up with it and organizing it.

  26. My biggest food storage challenge is finding ways to use my dry milk in my rotations. I bake with it, and I plan to make the milk shake for dessert tonight, but my family doesn't drink it regularly.

  27. My biggest problem is rotating my food storage. It isn't easy to get to and so I usually will eat the new items I purchase instead of rotating.

  28. Biggest challenge... tiny budget, big dreams. I miss you two!

  29. My biggest problem is space currently (and living the grad student life.)

  30. I think our biggest challenge is making sure we know how to use and will use the bigger stuff, wheat, dry milk, etc.
    We have the canned good thing down...:) for the most part! ;)

  31. My biggest challenge is keeping up on rotating my food storage. This would be a score to win. I signed up for the newsletter. thanks.

  32. hmmm... what isn't a challenge for me when it comes to food storage? Actually buying it (fitting it in the budget... even my measly $15 a month), planning my 3 month (which would help with knowing what to buy), rotating it before it goes bad... goodness, too many things!

  33. Consistency! I do it in spurts and then lose track. I need to set up a schedule to do things a bit at a time.

  34. I just started my food storage in 2009 and have over 6 months supply for 2 people, plus about 3 months supply for all our animals. My biggest challenge is learning how to use the wheat, beans and powdered milk. Because of my lack of cooking skills when it comes to using these main ingredients, I am afraid that if the time comes to use my food storage, I won't be able to. As a result, I am working on doing freeze dried meals so that I am not as afraid. Last night we had a freeze dried dinner. I have tried to do this occasionally, to make sure the food I am purchasing is palatable. I am also trying homemade bread baking, using the mixes (pancake mix from food storage) and wheat. The only thing I have used wheat for yet is cracked wheat cereal and sprouting to grow wheat grass.

  35. Our biggest food storage challenge is finding space to store it and then keeping it rotated! It's tricky in an apartment, but we're trying to find new ways to make it work for us!

  36. Just signed up for their newsletter! Thanks!

  37. Keeping track of my inventory is my biggest challenge. I've tried multiple approaches and they don't seem to work for me.

  38. My biggest problem is just getting it done! It's one of those things I just never get around to doing.

  39. Tracking what I have stored, where I have stored it, what I have used, when I bought it. Just keeping track of my stash!

  40. My biggest struggle is I have been told not to put my buckets on the cement floor so I have a hard time finding sturdy enough shelves to hold all my buckets of everything plus my water storage.

  41. Having the money to add to it is our biggest food storage problem right now.

  42. My biggest challenge is getting stuff out of my food room because it's so small and packed so tight!

  43. I'm a subscriber to the Shelf Reliance newsletter also :)

  44. Having the SPACE and rotating. My storage just sits, packed in there under the stairs!!

  45. Right now I need to come up with a menu for our three month supply. I have saved quite a bit of food, I just need to have a menu so I can make sure I have everything to make good meals.

  46. Space and Rotation. When you don't have enough space, surely it's hard to rotate your food storage.

  47. My biggest challenge with food storage is keeping up with it. I can do pretty well when I take it one step at a time, but when I remind myself that I will never be done with food storage, I get discouraged. Being pregnant and feeling sick and lazy has also been a challenge lately. :)

  48. My biggest problem is storing my food storage. I only do 3 month storage so putting in creative places like under the bed isn't practical for rotating. We don't have a basement and have been using the garage which is "taboo" I know.

  49. Keeping a good inventory of all my food is one of my biggest challenges. I have a spreadsheet, but it is not very accurate, and is a pain to keep current. There's got to be a better way.

  50. My biggest challenge is getting started! I have been buying cases of water every time I go grocery shopping to start up our water storage. But that's about it so far.

  51. I think my biggest issue would be learning how to use the longer-term storage items. I have great big buckets of wheat and stuff, but am seriously hoping that, in the event of disaster, someone else would help me learn to use it. :)

  52. I think that my biggest problem is that I'm not a big meal planner, so at dinner time, I run downstairs and grab something off the shelves. I fill the shelves back up when I see sales on the regular stuff we get, but things just aren't planned out. That and money are my biggest problems.

  53. keeping my 72 hour kit stocked. I know it sounds simple, but I have a 2 year old and a 1 year old so keeping up with current needs is a challange. I also have a tendancy to grab a water/snack out of the trunk instead of running in a grocery or convenience store when we're out shopping, and before I know it I'm out.

  54. Space. That's my biggest challenge.

  55. My current biggest challenge is knowing how to balance between restocking our three-month food supply and/or focusing on strictly long term food storage.

  56. I have signed up for the newsletter!

  57. My biggest challenge is knowing what to store and how long it will store. I also struggle with knowing how to use some of the items. For example, I inherited a large drum of wheat. Ugh!

  58. My problem is NOT using my food storage! It is hard to keep that food on the shelf:)

  59. My biggest challenge is trying to find a place to but it all, our basement is not good for food storage and was have small storage in the living area's. also my husband is ok with short term storage but does not understand long term storage thinks im a bit crazy.

  60. Trying to keep our 3 month food storage stocked is very difficult. We have improved in some areas. The best part is that we are learninhg

  61. Goodness, which challenge to choose?? I think our biggest challenge is finding the space for our food storage. Our little apartment is not helping us meet our food storage goals!! It's giving me an opportunity to be very creative about storage

  62. my current challenge is water in my food storage, where to put it, and actually having it.

    thanks for the chance to win.

  63. I already get their newsletter, thanks

  64. My challenge is keeping up with organizing everything and keeping it stocked. Overtime I end up with 10 pasta boxes and no sauce.

    We don't eat from our basic supply--I can't take a way from my family to can that stuff again. So it's the three month stock that is often unbalanced. (We buy the basic supply items in bags for this.)

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  65. Finding room for it! Our cabinets are SMALL and there is no room for a pantry type piece of furniture. So finding places to hide it where it's not TOO hidden that I won't think about it in time to use it before it goes bad is HARD!

  66. I recieve the newsletter.

  67. My biggest challenge is budgeting some of the more expensive food storage items. THen when I do purchase them, I don't ever want to rotate them.

  68. I had a hard time wanting to add to my food storage when I knew I would be moving across country soon. I also don't know where to put it all that would be organized. I get overwhelmed about how to do it since there are so many different details to learn about it. I wish someone would put a concise version of exactly what we need to do. Like a "food storage for dummies" booklet or something. I also would like food storage recipes that have ratings of how good it is and also marked for beginners up to advanced food storage chefs. I get frustrated when I buy things for food storage and realize later that it was a waste of money since I let it go bad. I really want a good list of how much longer you can use an item after the "best by such and such date" has expired. Someone to teach me (for example) how much longer the cheese packet lasts in a macaroni & cheese box or a packet of alfredo mix in a fettuccine alfredo chicken helper box, etc. A printable list of what I can check-mark of the items I have--to organize what I have and need. I guess the real prize would be if you helped each one of us that have commented improve on what is hard for us.

  69. I signed up for the newsletter. Thanks.

  70. Currently my challenge is finding a place for all the canned goods that I've purchased this week at great deals for the holiday. I love to stock up on sale! Great giveaway!

  71. My biigest challenge is wrapping my head around storing enough food for long term food storage. I really need to dedicate some time to figure out meals that my family really eats and start slowly with a few. Rotating would then come as a challenge.

  72. My biggest challenge is keeping my inventory list up to date. I'd like to know I'm running low before I get to the last couple of cans.

  73. I'd say our biggest challenge right now is space. We're renting a house that has no basement, so it's hard to find places to put things. Thanks for the giveaway!

    jmojmo24 at gmail dot com

  74. Mary Lou in Central NYNovember 19, 2009 at 7:14 PM

    My two biggest challenges with my food storage are finding new storage spaces, since I have no basement or attic, and keeping it all organized!

  75. signed up for the newsletter

  76. My biggest challenge with food storage is southern humidity and the bad bad things it does to dry food.

  77. My biggest challenge is not using too many grains at a time and being diabetic. I love whole grains and they are a big part of our storage but we are now enlarging our garden so we can have fresh food that I can also eat!

  78. Our biggest challenge is how to store all the great stuff we've got.

  79. My biggest challenge is the organization of the food and determining how long the food I have will feed us for. I have the food itself organized, but I don't know specifically how much of each thing I have... guess it is time for inventory.

  80. My biggest problem is probably just room. I have a small place, and it's just too hot to put food items in the garage, and I have limited space in my house.

    nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

  81. I'm already signed up on their newsletter. Does that count?

    nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

  82. My biggest challenge is making nutritious meals with it. I have tons of canned corn, but I don't use it as often as I thought!

  83. My biggest challenge is using the storage too fast in time of need, and not replenishing it fast enough in times of plenty.

  84. I signed up for the Shelf Reliance newsletter.

  85. Finding a place to store it all. Small house +food storage+water storage+sewing material +storage of other "survival" items = clutter.

    Second problem is organizing it all. Low income prevents me from buying those nice rotating shelves. My stuff is on pantry shelves, metal shelves in 3 places, under beds, on the floor of the pantry and kitchen. Problem is not much by way of rotating is going on and I have no CLUE how to organize it. Since the shelves are FULL, there's no place to put the newly acquired foods - short of unpacking boxes of food and then repacking them every time I buy groceries.

  86. My biggest challenge is motivation to get started. Life just gets in the way, and getting food storage in order doesn't always make the top of my to-do list.
    ashleyfbair (at) gmail (dot) com

  87. The hardest part of food storage for me is getting started. I have done the planning and done it again and done it yet again, but starting it - actually buying the grains and legumes and all, for some reason that's hard. I worry about doing it "wrong."

  88. The hardest part of food storage for me is getting started. I have done the planning and done it again and done it yet again, but starting it - actually buying the grains and legumes and all, for some reason that's hard. I worry about doing it "wrong."

  89. A second comment to let you know that I signed up for the Shelf Reliance newsletter. Thank you for the opportunity.

  90. Ooo!!! THanks for the opportunity to win! Love your blog. : D

  91. I signed up over their newsletter. Thanks!

  92. My biggest challenge is variety, I worry that I have plenty of canned corn and not enough toilet paper. Storing the everyday items in addition to the food items can be tricky.

  93. I think that our biggest challenge is replenishing the food when we use it. Also trying to not go overboard when an item goes on sale. That is how we ended up with 30 things of BBQ sauce.

  94. Great giveaway! Our biggest challenge is getting the menus done to assure we have a balanced storage.

  95. Gardening is a tough one and so is the amount of time it takes to cook with food storage items such as the beans, flour, powdered milk, etc.

  96. I signed up for their newsletter - not sure why I had not before!

  97. I added my e-mail for the newsletter. Thanks for having such a great website.

  98. My challenge is after keeping my food storage organized, being able to rotate it and keep up with those expiration dates.

  99. subscribed to their newsletter

  100. Our biggest problem with food storage is rotating through everything before it expires. So much of the food get forgotten about until it's too late!

  101. Oh, there are so many... But I do have a hard time storing dinner foods. I have picky eaters and no imagination. Thanks for all your good suggestions!

  102. My biggest challenge is remembering to rotate, so that I'm not pulling out-of-date items off the shelves. The flip side of that is that I struggle to know whether to believe the "Use By" dates.

  103. I subscribed to Shelf Reliance's newsletter.

  104. Biggest food storage challenge is keeping an inventory of what I've got as we are always using it. Thanks for the giveaway!

  105. Besides space, my biggest challenge is getting my husband on board. His parents live only a few hours away and he thinks we can always go to their house and share their food storage if there is an emergency!

  106. Mine is like so many other peoples.... money money money!

  107. My biggest challenge is knowing how much to get of each item. I dislike waste, yet find that even though I rotate well, some short term items tend to get outdated.

  108. My biggest challengs is being organized and not being overwhelmed.

  109. I also signed up for the news letter. thanks!

  110. I would say my biggest struggle with food storage is getting started:)

  111. Signed up for the newsletter.

  112. My biggest challenge is trying to pace myself so that I don't burn out or get frustrated by a lack of progress.

  113. Just signed up for the newsletter!

  114. Our biggest challenge is limited income and space.

  115. Our biggest challange is stoage space.

  116. My biggest challenge is $$$$$. I have my 3 month food already and a great start to my longer term storage. I have a plan and a list of things I need plus a few wants thrown in there but the only thing stopping me from purchasing all of it is the money. So we just keep chipping away at it when we can. We even have some space set aside for our storage.

  117. Space is a big challenge for us, as is money. We're wanting to have a bigger supply of longer term storage, but are having to slowly budget for it and hope that we can figure out where to store it.

    We're also nowhere near a cannery, and like more selection than the church offers online, so we're saving up to make a cannery trip sometime. There is one where my in-laws live (6 1/2 hours away) and one where some of our other family lives (4 hours away).

    Other than that, the desert temperatures are a challenge too. We can't store as much in the garage because it's still above 70 degrees there during the day in November! It'll be cool enough in there from around Christmas to Valentine's, but the other ten months are hot! So we're trying to get creative about where it'll go in our temperature controlled house.

  118. And just signed up for the newsletter.

  119. My biggest challenge is all the other stuff. The sanitation and the tools and the documents and keeping that together. Food is getting better... the rest of it - just thinking about it wears me out.

  120. I find that I buy less of the basics like wheat & more things like mac & cheese due to sales.

  121. I already recieve the emails. I hope that can count.

  122. Just doing it is the hard part I think! We have planned and organized, I have purchased emergency prep books, but then actually doing it (and seeing the bottom line...) is the hard part. There never seems to be enough money "right now" for it. I have been trying to do it little by little... but then little by little I forget to do it. I would LOVE this gift card! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  123. My biggest problem is figuring out which foods that my family likes that can be easily prepared from stored food. At this point I have stocked up on food, but most of it won't make really good meals.

  124. My biggest challenge right now is not feeling overwhelmed because I have only recently started collecting my food storage. Another challenge I think about is how to use it, once I get it.
    Love your blog, thanks.

  125. I work hard at rotating my food in a timely manner. This is a challenge as I am planning for more people than I am actually cooking for on a daily basis.

  126. I have a few challenges. One I feel overwhelmed with my lack of knowledge about what we need and how we should maintain it. Secondly, space. I currently like in a small apt, so there isn't a whole lot of extra space for food storage. I need to find a system that works for me and my family and DO IT! I would love some shelf reliance things. :)

  127. Our challenge is finding sturdy water continer to store water in. We live in an appartment and don't have a garage or basement. I have been using a bottom cabinet so that the water doesn't sit on carpet. Any suggestions would be helpful! :)
    PS I am new to this sight and I love it!!! Thanks for sharing your talent!

  128. You nailed my biggest challenge in your previous blog. I get discouraged thinking I can never get my food storage complete, so I have a difficult time beginning. (I do have some items) and I am starting to buy those two cans a week but it's those items such as mess kits, portable stoves, sleeping bags, etc. that can be daunting. I think I will start asking for these items for Christmas or birthday gifts or asking for Amazon gift cards, so I can buy those cool gadgets focused on the blog.

  129. My biggest challenge is getting it all organized and making sure I use everything when it should be used.

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  130. My biggest challenge right now is space... I have one closet dedicated to food storage which works well for my three month supply and a little long term storage. Now that I am stocking up on buckets of wheat, there is no more space!

  131. My biggest challenge is being a Military family... It means moving a lot and not knowing if the next place you move to will have adequate storage! My kids are really good about eating food storage meals and I know it's so important to have the storage to use -as we've had to do for a few months now! We always find the room but it's always a challenge!

  132. Rotation is the hardest for us. Sometimes we use it up too fast and can't replace it quick enough, or sometimes it sits and sits.

  133. Our biggest challenge right now is being able to afford to add to our food storage. My dh got laid off in June so we are relying on our food storage instead of being able to add to it.

  134. I already get the Shelf Reliance newsletter.

  135. My biggest challenge is getting the new food I purchase put away in a timely and organized fashion.

  136. My biggest challenge is space and organization.

  137. Signed up for the newsletter as well!

  138. Space... my place is so full of stuff...

  139. My biggest food storage challenge has to be space--that is, the lack of it. I can do a 3-month supply just fine, but that's about all I have room for. :(

  140. My biggest challenge right now is finding room to put everything. My husband is the process of adding more shelves to all of the closets in the house (why do they always leave so much space at the top?)I live in AZ so we are not able to store anything in the garage or where it will get too hot.

  141. My husband and I just got married about 3 months ago. While we have put some money forth towards food storage, it is difficult to get food storage going when you live on a $30 a week of food budget. Creating cheap simple meals gives us the ability to do more in the food storage department. Following your blog helps us create cheap simple things we like, and gives us a basis for our own food storage.

  142. Right now my biggest challenge is storage solutions for the food I am gathering. Thanks!

  143. Hello! Storage is my biggest challenge when it comes to food STORAGE! Love this blog, keep up the good work!

  144. I subscribed to the newsletter from Shelf reliance!
