We used Random.org to generate 2 random numbers for us. The winners are....
Numbers 96 and 41!!
Congratulations, Michelle and Nat! Please email us at safelygatheredin (at) gmail.com to claim your first aid flash cards. If you didn't win, but are interested in purchasing these cards, check out Nuru's website. It looks like shipping is free for these cards.
And in other news....
Shelf Reliance is having a recipe contest using food storage items!! Send in your recipes to them, and they've got some GREAT prizes to give away. The recipes don't need to be non-perishables only - they just need to use some sort of food storage! Sounds exciting... I know WE will be entering! For more information, check out their website here. Hurry, because this contest ends in 1 week!
I Dare You To Eat It has a wheat berry tutorial up using a crockpot. She puts these wheat berries in all sorts of recipes, no grinder needed.
Looking for a use for your empty #10 cans? Preparedness Brings Peace has a tutorial up for making a stove out of your used cans.
If you didn't win the cansolidator last week and desperately wanted one, Food Storage Made Easy has a tutorial and directions for making a can rotating rack using a cardboard box.
YAY! I never win anything! Thanks for the giveaway!