Monday, December 15, 2008
Motivational Monday
The true nature of people becomes obvious in times of real need. Good people become better; they get close to one another; they learn to share and become united. The strength that develops out of unity of the many good people becomes a real survival factor. On the other hand, people who lack emotional stability become cruel and ruthless under trying circumstances; however, they do not seem to become an overbearing threat because of the closeness and unity of the majority of the people. Therefore, strangely enough, those who have survived hardships look back with fond memories to the awful period of pain and destruction because they recall the closeness that developed as they united themselves to survive by sharing whatever they had.
How blessed we are to be taught in these times of plenty that we might prepare for times of need without undue haste. Even more wonderful is the realization that we can prepare ourselves without fear because we know that God lives, that He knows and loves each one of us, and that He is giving us direction in these latter days through a living prophet.
God loves us so much that He allows us to come to Him at any time with our personal requests for help and direction—that our eyes will be opened and we will learn to live with wisdom and patience in times of austerity, that we might learn by the Lord’s influence to identify our real needs.
What a comfort it is to read His revelation to the Prophet Joseph Smith, “If ye are prepared, ye shall not fear.” (D&C 38:30.)
The Lord wants us to be prepared.
Ensign 1982 June
How Beautiful to Live in These Times and Be Prepared!
By Elder F. Enzio Busche
Of the First Quorum of the Seventy
I hope you don't mind me commenting, I am a friend of Regina's. I noticed your blog listed on her sidebar. I have to say, what a great blog! I tried your whole wheat bread post. It's the first time I have EVER been able to get my bread to rise above the pan! Thank you!