Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Another Tuesday (Week #18)

It's Tuesday again! Hopefully you gathered your infant & feminine needs last week. We had some great comments and suggestions about that one - some people said that they store cloth diapers, since those don't really come in sizes. What a great idea! We also know that some people were able to get deeply discounted backpacks, too. If you are still looking for some, it might not be too late.

This week, gather some candles and matches (or a lighter) for your 72-hour kits. Candles are great because this way you don't have to use your flashlights for an extended period of time and use up the batteries (unless you are using wind-up flashlights or something similar). Tea light candles are fine, and you can buy them in large bags. You may also want to get some little tea light holders, as well. They will secure the candles a bit better, and the candles are also a bit brighter if they are surrounded by glass.

If you are still trying to plan your three-month-supply, we hope our recipes are helping you out! Don't forget to plan side dishes to go along with them. Many of our meals already include veggies and meat, so I like to have a side dish of canned fruit or applesauce, so I also stock up on these.

This month is almost over - we hope you've been able to get some wheat!!

Tomorrow we are going to show you step-by-step how to build an oven. This way, even if you are without electricity, you can still prepare our food storage recipes. On Thursday we'll also be sharing another food preservation method. And, of course, Friday will be another yummy food storage meal. Stay tuned!


  1. Hmm, the first thing that came to mind when i thought of using the class for tea light candles is "What if the glass breaks?" Then it hit me, why not include a pint size canning jar, fill it with tea candles, and maybe wrap it with a towel you'd use? I dunno, just a thought. I know canning jars are pretty durable.

  2. Thanks again for the time you put into doing these posts. I know how hard it can be to do a daily post, and with yours, your helping so many people.. THANK YOU!

    I will be sharing your blog address with our ward the week after conference! :)

  3. Hannah thanks so much for leaving a note on my blog! I love your blog! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hannah, just one suggestion. As you probably know for my blog I love glow sticks. When you are thinking about light you need to remember that after an earthquake you will not be able to have an open flame. After most hurricanes and tornadoes this will also be the case, too many gas leaks. Glow sticks provide light all night long without running down batteries.

  5. I just found your blog a few days ago and have loved all your suggestions and recipes. I am trying to get my 3 mo. supply really organized and complete. I really appreciate all your hard work and willingness to share. I love all your recipe suggestions!!! Keep 'em comin'! Thanks again!

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