Car Kits: We're almost to the end of our car kits, just one more week and then we'll start our 72 hour kits, so gear up and get ready for that. What a weight off our shoulders it will be to get the 72 hour kits rolling, especially as we head into hurricane season, for those of us on the east coast.
So this week let's grab two items for our car kits: hand sanitizer and a pocket knife. Nothing needs to be said for hand sanitizer. Especially if you are forced to "use the bathroom" in less than sanitary conditions. Consider the pocketknife to be an optional item, but it is handy to have around. Scissors or a box cutter could serve the same purpose, but keep in mind that these items should be kept away from children (duh) so maybe keep your pocketknife in your glove box so you can keep an eye on it. In all this, please keep your family in mind, if you have really curious children, maybe you should omit the pocketknife at this time. Just think about you and your situation.
3-Month Supply: I really liked what Hannah said on Friday, that these meals in our 3-M supply are "pantry meals" or bare bone meals. This means that in case of an emergency (natural disaster or financial disaster) you would eat this as is. But when you are rotating these meals during "normal life" don't feel like you can't add cheese and fresh vegetables to your food storage meals. Eat normally, but eating food storage meals when things are "normal" will make a transition time during an emergency easier on everyone.
If you need an idea for your "extra meal" this week, check out the Food Storage Fridays for meal ideas.
Longer-term Storage: This is your last week to gather rice for the month. Did you meet your goal? Next week we will be focusing on another staple, so look around one last time for any rice deals, or put in your order with the cannery.
I have just found your site-thanks to Deb! It is awesome. I will probably be back just about every day, and tell all my friends. I'm the Enrichment Leader in my Ward-can't wait to direct everyone to you. Thank you.