Saturday, June 28, 2008

Safely Gathered In: Weekly Roundup 6/23-6/28

A little Food Storage humor before we get going.

A friend of mine has recently felt the fire to get food storage going. She and her teenage daughter went to a local cannery and canned lots of food to bring home. On the way home, the daughter asked where they were going to store all this food. My friend replied, "Under the beds." The daughter was affronted, "Not under my bed!" Later she was complaining to a friend, a teenage boy, and the boy responded: "It's okay, I've got food storage under my bed too."

The Deseret News had an article about freezer bag cooking, in camping or for 72 hour kits. The recipes posted were all food storage friendly. Check out the source of the recipes at the website: Freezer Bag Cooking. What a great resource for meal planning since the ingredients are all non-perishable!

This week while I was surfing the web I realized (gasp) we're not the first ones to do this! So check out these other blogs for Food Storage ideas:

Food Storage Fridays and tips:

and food storage and emergency preparedness websites:

If anyone knows any more, please tell us. The more information and tips we have, the easier it will be for all of us to store our food!

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