Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Food Storage Tuesday

Every Tuesday, we post specific items you should gather in order to supplement your emergency car kit, your three-month supply, and your longer term storage.  If you are new to our blog, don't worry!  You won't be left behind.  Just start up where we are and follow along.  You will eventually have everything completed.  Once the car kit is complete, we'll be putting together 72-hour kits again (week by week).  Once those are done, we'll gather the car kits again.  So don't worry, just jump on in and join us where we are today!   

We started putting together car kits last Spring but never finished them fully, so we're starting again!  Now is the perfect time to hop on with us and following along as we prepare for emergencies and inconveniences in the car.

The first thing you need is a box to hold everything in.  Just a small-ish plastic box is fine.  Scan the list of items on the right that you will be gathering so that you can get a good idea of what size you will need.  You might even have something perfect already in your house that you could use.  Or, if you want to wait a few weeks, you could probably get a good deal on something in late December/early January when organizational stuff tends to go on sale.

How's your three month supply of food coming along?  Make a food storage menu plan and shop from there.  Organization is so important when it comes to food storage!  If you have a menu plan and a master shopping list, you will always know what you have and what you need, so that you can take advantage of sales and such.  You can get some great menu ideas from our food storage recipes page here.

For our longer-term storage, we'll be gathering "other" items for our longer-term storage.  These are things that you might want more than three-months' worth, so that you can supplement your basic longer-term foods.  These items include yeast, powdered milk, sugar, honey, pasta, salt, flour, etc.

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