Saturday, September 24, 2011

Misto and Blankets Winner!

Thanks to everyone who participated in all our giveaways this week!  We used to find our last winner, so congratulations to #14, Grace, who said,

I was in love with my elliptical...until I met an arc trainer! I call it the mean machine. Holy cats! It gives you a real workout in no time flat without (most important!) harming my already shredded hips and knees. It's evil, but I love it (in a slightly masochistic way.)

Thanks, Grace!  I love ellipticals so I'll have to give the arc trainer a try. :)

Please email us at safelygatheredin (at) to claim your prize.

Also, we are still waiting to hear back from one of our other winners from this last week - Sharon, who won the Granola with Milk & Blueberries.  Sharon, please email us by the end of the weekend or we will have to choose another winner to announce on Monday.

Thanks again, everyone!  And thanks to everyone who "Liked" our Facebook page!  

We'll be back with more articles next week!

1 comment:

  1. Going on a bike ride or playing a dancing game on the wii with the kids.
