
Friday, September 23, 2011

Giveaway #4 - Emergency Thermal blankets AND a "Misto"! (with two ways to enter!) *CLOSED*

**This giveaway is now closed**

Today's giveaway is from us! We are giving away TWO prizes to one lucky reader.
Emergency Thermal Blankets (4 Pack)
The first thing we are giving away is a 4-pack of emergency thermal blankets. I have never personally used emergency blankets before, but I do have them in our 72-hour kits and it gives me peace of mind to know we have some protection against the elements (although I'll admit, in this Florida heat I'm not sure how useful they will be, but I still want to be prepared! It does get cold here, right??). Anyway, these blankets are a great addition to your 72-hour kits or your car kits.

Misto M100S Gourmet Brushed Aluminum Olive Oil Sprayer
The second thing we are giving away is a "Misto"! One thing that Abbie and I think is important when it comes to food storage is efficiency. Abbie recently told me that she was tired of buying cooking spray, not only for her food storage but also for her day-to-day cooking. So, she tried out the Misto, which is basically an olive oil sprayer.

Anything that cuts down on the number of items that need to be stored is a winner in my book. I know that many of you have a real lack of storage space in your homes. While this may not make a huge difference as a space saver, it's still a fun little gadget that could improve your food storage (and by not having to store cans of cooking spray, you have a couple extra square inches for more fun things, like Nutella and chocolate chips. Right??).

You have two ways to enter into this giveaway. The first is to leave a comment here on this blog post, answering the question,

What is your favorite form of exercise?

Kind of random, I know, but I'm always looking for tips and ideas to give me a little variety!

And the second way you can enter into today's giveaway is to head on over to our Facebook page and "Like" it! (Click the "Like" button at the top of the page) Once you've done that, come on back to this post and leave a second comment telling us that you liked our page.

I know we're a bit late to the Facebook bandwagon, but we are really excited about it! One of our goals in coming back to blogging is that we want to create more of a relationship with you, our readers! We want a public place where you can ask questions, and where you can also answer questions that others may have! We want to post links to things we find interesting, and we just basically want to interact more with you, and we feel that Facebook is a good platform for that. By "liking" our page on Facebook, you'll get updates in your news feed about what we're blogging about, questions we have, tips, etc.

This giveaway closes tomorrow morning at 8 a.m. and a winner will be announced shortly after that. Thanks!!


Pearl said...

I like walking/running with my dog - honestly hate doing it alone, and he has such a great time smelling things I can't help but enjoy!

Pearl said...

And I just "liked" you on FB :)

shauna said...

Favourite exercise is definitely kettlebells. A great workout in a short amount of time.

Emily said...

I love walking with my ipod or even no music. Since it's staying dark so much later in the mornings, I've been doing some of my favorite cardio DVDs too like Ellen Barrett's Barefoot Cardio.

Aubrey said...

My favorite kind of exercise is bike riding!!

Aubrey said...

I liked you on facebook!!

Burrowing In said...

My favorite form of exercise was always volleyball. Recently I signed my little girls and I up for Mommy and Me World Dance class, and that has become my favorite way to exercise! It's so fun and it's such a joy to watch them enjoying themselves!

Anonymous said...

I love walking, walking to work, walking on my lunch hour, walking after work on a cool fall evening.


Melia said...

Exercise? What's that? Walking is probably my favorite.

Melia said...

I liked you on facebook, too!

Sarah said...

I love to run, but I have been doing that since high school. Otherwise, DVDs are my next one. It is easy to do with the kids around, or before they wake up.

Sarah said...

I also liked you on facebook. Very excited to see you there!

Anonymous said...

My favorite form of exercise is to walk up and down the isles shopping as fast as I can so I can get the deals and get out of the stores. Always in a pinch for time!

Grace said...

I was in love with my elliptical...until I met an arc trainer! I call it the mean machine. Holy cats! It gives you a real workout in no time flat without (most important!) harming my already shredded hips and knees. It's evil, but I love it (in a slightly masochistic way.)

Sarah said...

Exercise bike.

The Holdaway's said...

I like chasing my kids on their bikes (whether riding mine or walking/running).

The Holdaway's said...

I liked you on Facebook!

Sarah said...

I just liked you on fb. Looking forward to reading your helpful posts!

D said...

Running or swimming. Though since baby 4 I count picking up the house as exercise :)

Mom Allen said...

I enjoy swimming the most.

Michele said...

I hate exercising just to be exercising. I find that I am more consistent when I have a purpose for exercise other than fitness. So I enjoy walking as geocaching, orienteering, and hiking. But on those days where it is 'just' exercise, I memorize scripture to keep my mind engaged.
I've read that the emergency blankets can keep heat out as well by turning the reflective side out and placing it over your tent or camper. Just a thought...

Nora said...

I love talking my dogs out for a long walk.

Lynn said...

After 25 years of step aerobics, Videos {yes....I said videos...not DVD's...ha ha}, and dancing to upbeat music daily in the basement....I felt like a hamster on a wheel. Now that my 6 kids have grown, I took my exercise outdoors. I run 6 miles a day and LOVE it! So much happier and feel free. lol

Beth said...

Swimming. I don't do it often enough, but I'm thinking it's time I get back to it--because it's a form of energy I actually look forward to rather than endure. (That's mostly the story of me and exercising..."thinking" about it, planning to get back to it..."

Thanks for the giveaway. I'm curious about how Abby likes the oil mister. I tried one, and it required extensive pumping to build up pressure, and I could never seem to get it right. Is she having better luck?

wordygirl at earthlink dot net

misskate said...

I love hiking in the mountains or jogging in the park.

misskate said...

Also, I just liked your Facebook page. Looking forward to seeing your posts in my feed!

Cassi :) said...

My favorite exercises are walking and swimming.

Cassi :) said...

I liked your FB page.

Trina said...

I love walking and hiking. My sister-in-law introduced me to zumba. I like that a lot too.

Robin said...

I enjoy the treadmill at 6 a.m. when it is quiet and I can get things done before the kids get up.

Andrea :) said...

I love running one day, lifting weights the next, and not repeating the same thing each day.

Andrea :) said...

I like your FB page!

Camille said...

I LOVE to go hiking for exercise. You get your fill of appreciating the beauty all around us and the peace it brings....as well as exercise! It's great!

Camille said...

I "liked" your Facebook page! Yay for you all to be on FAcebook now! :-)

Thats My Cuppa Tea said...

For exercise, go CANOEing! I Love it. It can be as easy or as hard as you want it to be. There are places everywhere to go Canoeing: lake, river, pond, bayou, or a neighbors large pond. My eight year old and I are saving up to get one of our own.

The Oman Family said...

I love playing volleyball.

The Harried Homemaker said...

I love old school step aerobics.

Jade said...

I like jumping on the trampoline with my kids. It is so fun, it doesn't even seem like excersise!

Jade said...

I just liked you on facebook.

Laurie Nguyen said...

Walking. I don't need any special equipment, and I can do it just about everywhere.

Ali said...

I love me some Dance, Dance Revolution. Fun, fun exercise.

The Oman Family said...

I liked you on facebook.

Samantha R said...

I love chasing my kids around! ...and going on walks

Vanessa said...


Heidi said...


Heidi said...

I "like" you on FB now too!

Michelle said...

Dancing with my kids. For a few years now, we've done an hour of "dancey dance" time before we start getting them ready for bed. Some nights, we just run around in circles. :) It's always fun and it helps get that last bit of energy out before the kids start winding down.

Michelle said...

And Liked on FB!

Lisa said...

I like to play the wii fit...its alot of fun

Lisa said...

& I liked the page on facebook

Mrs. Pear said...

My favorite method is chasing after my children!

Oh, you mean formal exercise! Pilates.

Mrs.Pear at comcast.net

Rachelle said...

Of course you wait till I'm on vacation to do giveaways! I'll just jump on in on #4.

I HATE exercising but LOVE playing sports. That's pretty much the only exercise I get.

Rachelle said...

I liked you on facebook

Family Gal said...

My absolute favorite is Jazzercise..it is aerobic, weight training and stretching all in an hour, and all set to great music. When i can't make it to classes, i love to walk with my MP3 player. It's free, and you can do it solo or with someone, anytime you want, and anywhere you go. :)

magictypingbox@gmail.com said...

My favorite form of excercise? Gardening! With a bit of attention to posture and movement, a body can target all muscles. With attention to pace I can step up weeding or composting to add aerobic movement. Not only is it healthy exercise, but I get to grow my own healthy diet as well.My favorite form of excercise? Gardening! With a bit of attention to posture and movement, a body can target all muscles. With attention to pace I can step up weeding or composting to add aerobic movement. Not only is it healthy exercise, but I get to grow my own healthy diet as well.

Sandy said...

I enjoy running and swimming.

Sandy said...

I liked you on Facebook

Kris E said...

My favorite is walking with my Daughter. We talk about her day, things that are coming up and she lets me in on some of her secrets. We have a great time!

Susan said...

I like walking or weight lifting (free weights).

Whitney said...

I don't "like" any exercise but my favorite IF I had to pick would be walking with my hubby.

Thanks for the give aways!

Whitney said...

I "liked" you on Facebook.

Candy said...

I liked you on facebook. Glad to see you there. It must mean that you are growing! Congrats!

Candy said...

I started walking 1-3 miles a day about 2 months ago. I usually take my phone along and call a family member that lives far away. It gives me time to catch up and makes the walk go by so fast that it doesn't even seem like exercise! I walk longer when I am talking than if I go by myself.

Cortney said...

My personal favorite is Walk Away the Pounds with Leslie Sansone. She has great DVDs and for about $30 a year you can get a lot of videos on her website.

Cortney said...

I liked you on FB!

Laura A. said...

Ooh, I want that Misto!

And to answer your question, I enjoy walking and Pilates :)

Fire said...

Swimming of any kind not just laps.

Fire said...

Just "liked" your page! I know that it will be great to have you on facebook.

Lynette said...

Walking is my favorite exercise. Plus I like to us some small hand weights for a little toning.

Betty Steward said...

Exercise? What is this exercise you speak of? Now, my favorite outdoor activity is checking the mail, and my fingers do get a daily workout on my keyboard, but other than that? The several miles a say that I put in at my job is about it.

Betty Steward said...

I just 'liked' you on FB!

Morgan said...

I love running, though love/hate may be more appropriate! I love the way it gets my heart rate up to where I want, and I love the way it feels to finish a good run!

kathi said...

I take a variety of classes at the gym

Kathi said...

I liked you on FB

Dorothyt T said...

I love to swim and walk.

JSLCPierce said...

My favorite exercise is my trusty elliptical. I get to pop in my ipod and listen to upbeat and praise music while getting healthy!

JSLCPierce said...

I'm so glad you're on FB! I like your page now.