Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Food Storage Tuesday

Every Tuesday, we post specific items you should gather in order to supplement your 72-hour kit, your three-month supply, and your longer term storage.  If you are new to our blog, don't worry!  You won't be left behind.  Just start up where we are and follow along.  You will eventually have everything completed.  Once the 72-hour kit is complete, we'll be putting together emergency car kits again (week by week).  Once those are done, we'll gather the 72-hour kits again.  So don't worry, just jump on in and join us where we are today!

Instead of assigning something specific this week for your 72-hour kit, it's actually rotation week!  What's rotation week, you ask?  Well, every 6 months we remind you to rotate things in your 72-hour kits and your car kits, and this is the week!  So, what should you be rotating?

Food, for one.  Check the expiration dates of your food, and make sure it's still edible-looking. :)  Food in the car kits may look a bit scary if it's been sitting in the car all summer (depending on what it is!).

You should also check batteries to make sure they are charged still.  Replace anything you have taken out of the kits for any reason (the car kits might be especially low if you regularly use things from there).

Finally, swap out the clothes for the colder weather!  Make sure sizes are up to date and that your diapers (if needed) are also the correct sizes.  Also, if you have wipes in your car kit or 72-hour kit, make sure they are still moist and usable (mine tend to dry out in the heat).

How's your three-month supply coming along?  Make a food storage plan and then buy things for your supply according to that!  Stock up on "sick" foods!  Since "cold and flu season" is approaching, be sure to stock up on medicine, canned soups, Gatorade, crackers... anything you need while you're sick.  Planning ahead will be a lifesaver when one of your kids is sick and you can't run to the store (or when you are sick and can't run to the store!)

This month (October) we are gathering "other" foods for our longer-term storage.  If you had to live off only your basic longer-term foods (oats, wheat, beans, rice), life would get pretty boring!  Consider white flour, sugar, yeast, spices, honey, chocolate, salt, pasta, chicken/beef/vegetable broth etc.).  You certainly don't need to buy an entire year's worth at once, but you should start somewhere!

Finally, don't forget to "Like" us on Facebook if you haven't already.  We'll be updating it frequently with links to articles, questions for you, pointers, etc.  We also hope you'll use it to ask/answer questions from each other!


  1. What a great idea to stock up on "sick" foods! I have some of those items, but I don't know that I've even done a really thorough job of figuring out exactly what I SHOULD have! Thanks for the tip.

  2. I think the idea of "sick food" is great. As I am stocking up with 2 of my children and 2 of my grandchildren in mind, I want to include things a sick child would eat/drink. Might I suggest Gatorade or some generic form- the electrolytes are very important and it tastes good. Also, the old standby chicken soup/boullion. A nausea OTC med such as Emetrol or cola syrup could also come in handy. Thanks for all your good ideas.
