Saturday, February 5, 2011

Food Storage Friday: Another black bean soup

Black Bean and Salsa Soup Recipe

(image via here)

So, this is the third black bean soup recipe that we've posted on the blog but I really love this one, so I'm adding it on!  Plus, this is a vegetarian option.  It's very similar to another one we have up but I wanted to post this one too to just give more options.  Plus, I think it's good to go vegetarian sometimes.  The ingredients for this soup are pretty basic, so the chances of you having all these items in your pantry right now are pretty high!

I got this recipe on - probably my favorite recipe resource. 

Black Bean & Salsa Soup
(serves 4)

2 cans black beans
1.5 cups vegetable broth
1 cup chunky salsa
1 tsp ground cumin
sour cream (optional)
green onions (optional)

In a blender or food processor, combine and mix the black beans, veggie broth, salsa, and cumin.  Blend until smooth.

(note: I like to leave out about 1/4 of the beans and salsa, then add them in later so that the soup has some "bite" to it and is not just smooth)

Heat bean mixture in saucepan until warm.  Serve and add sour cream and some green onions for garnish, if desired. (you could even add cheese and chips for more heartiness) 

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