
Friday, June 4, 2010

Day 4 Giveaway.... CSN Stores (again!)

On Tuesday, we gave away a grain mill, courtesy of CSN Stores.  Well, today they are giving away another great item!  CSN Stores is a great website that offers everything from track lighting to...... you guessed it, food storage items!  They also have the website Cookware.com, which is a fun place to shop around online for all your kitchen needs.

Anyway, today CSN Stores is offering a Nesco/American Harvest Dehydrator!  It's the perfect item for preserving your fruits and veggies that will grow in your huge gardens this summer... right? :)  I wish we could have a garden but since we're moving I don't see that happening... I'll have to find some great farmer's markets and stock up there this year.

Anyway, to enter this giveaway, just leave a comment on this post telling us:

What is your favorite thing to dehydrate?  I know many of you have done it before.  Is it apples?  Onions?  Beef jerky?  Or do you specialize in fruit roll-ups?  Or, if you haven't dehydrated anything before, what's your favorite dehydrated snack?

I had some incredible beef jerky last week that made me want to bust out my own dehydrator (passed down to me from my mom) and make a big batch. I love jerky!

One comment per person, please.  This giveaway is open until Saturday at 9 a.m. EDT.  We will announce the winner on Saturday sometime.

Thanks again to CSN Stores for sponsoring this awesome giveaway!


Marisa said...

I had some incredible dried apples a friend made. I would love to make fruit snacks for my kids.

Losing it said...

I would love to win this! My children loved dried fruit especially in the winter time and our winter is long!

Jana said...

I have never dehydrated anything so I don't have a favorite-but i'd like to try raw nuts.

kdonat said...

My favorites to dehydrate: #10 cans of tomato sauces/puree to make tomato leather and frozen vegies. I pickup the #10 cans and 5pound bags of frozen vegies at Sam's Club or Gordon Food Service. By dehydrating I save space in the freezer or in storage.

Ashley said...

I use dried onions all the time and I love dried apples. I'd love to win this so I can make my own.
Thank you!

The Ridgeways said...

strawberries! Apples! mmmmmm!

Anonymous said...

my favorite dehydrated snack is jerky and I can't wait to try to make some myself someday!!
janel_marie at yahoo dot com

Kristina said...

Apples and bananas, but would really like to try chili.

Dawna said...

Our family loves to dry apples! YUMMMM! Bananas are also a favorite!

Brooke said...

I've never dehydrated anything but my cousins make some amazing jerky!

Jana said...

My mom used to get huge boxes of too-ripe bananas for next to nothing from grocery stores and dry banana chips. We loved them as kids!

Cecily said...

I've only ever dehydrated apples and apricots, but I have dreams of making fruit leather and jerky and raisins.

StrivingSimply said...

There was a dehydrated fruit pack that I would always get in grad school at the school store. I would love to try and recreate it!

Adventure Sisters said...

I love dehydrated apples!

heather said...

My mom has a dehydrator and growing up we made apples, bananas, apricots from her tree, cherries, all kids of fruits. Best of all beef jerky, home made beef jerky is so much better than store bought! I would love to have my own dehydrator!

Emily Hendrix said...

My fave is apples.

Julie said...

I've never used a dehydrater, but I would love to have one! Thanks for the great blog.

The WoodLand School said...

I have never dehydrated anything ... but I just love apples in any form :-)

Anonymous said...

We have an apricot tree and I would love to make apricot fruit leather. It is my family’s favorite! Thanks for a chance to win!


StaceyG said...

I was planning on getting one of these this year so I can go to the orchard a few miles from my place and dehydrate my favorite thing ever... apples!

Sarah said...

Pick me, pick me. I made some fruit leather the other day in the oven and was thinking it would be a lot nicer and easier if I just had a dehydrator.

Shannon said...

I dehydrate just about everything when preserving things in the summer. Tomatoes are great.

Unknown said...

I have never dehydrated something before, but I absolutely LOVE both beef jerky and apples as dehydrated snacks.

Kathy said...

I have never dehydrated anything. However, my favorites are the fruit leather. Delish!

Becky S. said...

By far, our favorite thing to dry is peaches!! Not only are they delicious just as they are, they make the BEST fried pies!
Drying anything is such a space saver, and you can take advantage of seasonal bounties, so it's a money saver, too!

The Oman Family said...

I would love to dehydrate some apples and do some beef jerky. I have wanted one of these for a LONG time. Hope I win!

Veee said...

I LOVE dried fruit. Apricots are my go to, have to have.

Audra said...

At our house we love to dip apples in strawberry jello (mixed with just a tiny bit of water) and dehydrate them. YUMMY!

Darcy said...

Dehydrated apples - LOVE tossing them in our oatmeal all through the year, or in baked goods.

I want to try beef jerky, but have been afraid to do it in our box fan/ac filter set up we use now (got the idea from Alton Brown of Food Network). Would love a real dehydrator!

Nichole said...

this last fall i took our Halloween pumpkins, pureed them and added pie spice to them. i ended up with the most delicious pumpkin pie fruit leather. my kiddos LOVED it!

Danielle said...

I really like to dehydrate grapes, as crazy as that sounds. We don't dehydrate them all the way and just eat them within a day or two... but oh, my, they are delicious that way!

Tay said...

Apples and strawberries. YUM! This year I'll dehydrate some blueberries and see how we like that.

Lorraine said...

a raspberry fruit roll-up sounds good to me right now - that is what I would make!

Alyosha said...


Shelli said...

My mom used to make fruit roll ups when I was a kid. I haven't had a food dehydrator for almost 20 years, but I'd love to start dehydrating fruit again. Maybe get my mom's old recipe!

Mom said...

I love to make fruit roll ups, using different kinds of fruit. I also try to make use of leftovers (corn, carrots, etc)

April said...

I have never personally dehydrated anything but I love fruit leather and beef jerky!

Mishqueen said...

I just love love love dried cherries! Although apples are close behind...

Morgan said...

I could really use this!! The only thing I have dehydrated myself is peach fruit roll ups. I used my cookie sheets and the trusty Arizona sun to do it. :)

Letherton said...

I love to dehydrate applesauce to make fruit roll ups. I would love a dehydrator of my own.


Jessie said...

I love fruit leather--especially apricot. I've never used a dehydrator, though--this would be a great learning experience for me. Thanks for the opportunity!

Miller Family said...

I remember as a kid my favorite was dried pears. I would love to try making those for my kids.

Anonymous said...

my kids love love LOVE fruit leather
amy v. young

Heidi said...

I love dehydrated apricots....yum!

rick and cheryl said...

I love dehydrated peaches & gratefully my kids do, too.

Tiffany L said...

Cherries are like candy when dried...so yummy. My son loves dried bananas; he would much rather eat them dried than fresh.

stacy said...

Fruit leathers are my favs! I would love to win this! My dehydrator died last summer.

Linda said...

I have almost every kitchen gadget imaginable - except a dehydrator. This would really be great for the huge garden I planted this year!

Anonymous said...

Have made jerky for some time in the oven, a dehydrator would be great.
Don't know the shelf life of the jerky, as soon as it's discovered
my family devoures it.

Jenny said...

I LOVE strawberry fruit rollups! So good! I want to try some apples. Our neighbor sprinkles powdered jello on them before drying, and they're so wonderful!

Coupon Person said...

We love pears and apples.

Super Pi said...

I love dehydrating apples, but I would love to try to dehydrate other things too like peaches, fruit rollups, etc.

Evelyn said...

Bananas and apples are my faves to dehydrate! Although I'd LOVE to learn to do jerky:-)

Rachel said...

apples all the way!

Monica said...

I love making peach-strawberry fruit leather. Yum!

Courtney said...

We love fruit leather and apple chips in our house.

T said...

I have never dehydrated anything, but I think any kind of fruit would be yummy!


Heather said...

Growing up my mom dehydrated all sorts of fruit, my favorite being bananas. Since I'm young and married, I don't have a dehydrated and it's not in the budget :(

Ashley said...

I love my husband's grandmother's dehydrated apples with cinnamon sprinkled on them. Such a yummy treat!

Raysha said...

We had fruit trees growing up and every summer was spent helping my mom make stuff with the fruit. My favorite was the purple plum fruit leather. YUM!

Dianna said...

Tomatoes are the only things I've ever dried. Yum!

Jennifer said...

The only thing I ever tried dehydrating was some applesauce and some mashed peaches to make fruit roll ups. that was in the oven and it didn't turn out all that great.
I do love jerky and apple slices and banana chips, and I would LOVE to make them!

Sarah said...

Never dehydrated before, but I love all manner of dried snacks!

Joey said...

Growing up it was always dried apples with cinnamon and sugar, but as an adult, I see all of the wonderful things I could do if I won. hint, hint :-)

Sariah said...

Strawberries and cherries.

Sariah said...

Strawberries and cherries.

beverly said...

I love beef jerky and apricots. I would love to make some.

The Johnsons said...

We don't have a dehydrator...yet. It's on my list of things to get because I would love to make my own fruit roll ups. Our favorite dehydrated snack has been apples but my kids have recently discovered mangos as well.

wastachmom said...

Fresh pineapple! And soaked raw chocolate covered almonds! I claimed my nearly-dead dehydrator from my mom's junk pile. I'd love to replace it with something more reliable.

Emily said...

I've never used a dehydrator so this would be a fun win. We love dried cherries and craisins.

staceyk said...

we like dehydrated apples

Destiny said...

Beef Jerky!

Morgan Koji said...

We don't have a dehydrator, but love dried apples in our oatmeal. I would love to make jerky.

Megan said...

My mom had a dehydrator, so growing up we had homemade fruit leather and dried plums. My friend used to buy the #10 cans of pineapple slices to dehydrate. Yum!

Jen said...

Apples! Mmm Apple chips. But I'd love to try new things...

Nora said...

I love dried apricots best, but all fruits are good.

Lara said...

Beef jerkey baby!!

Lara said...

Beef Jerkey Baby!!

Crystal said...

Pineapple - so delicious when dried.

Carolina girl said...

Definitely beef jerky!

Heather said...

i really like fruit leather. i've never dried anything but have really wanted to try it.

Samantha said...

Bing cherries are really good dehydrated. Blueberries and watermelon are fun too

Morgan said...

I've never dehydrated anything before...but I love dehydrated apples, bananas, and strawberries!

Anonymous said...

My favorite dehydrated snack is teriyaki beef jerky :) *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Penny said...

Dried apples and beef jerky are our favorites.

Kim H said...

I love dried apricots!

Nicki said...

I have never dehydrated anything myself, but this is on my wishlist. I have three apple trees in my yard!

Mama's Boys said...

I've never owned a dehydrator, but I loved when my mom dried apples and bananas.

utahraptors at zookee dot org

Adrianna said...

We make dried tomatoes in the oven. I would love to have a deydrator to experiment with, especially since we have fruit trees!

Leilani said...

I have not tried dehydrating before but I am interested in trying the various fruits grown here in Hawaii...mango, apple bananas, mountain apples, etc..

Missy said...

I recently pulled all the fruit from my fridge and shelf to break in our dehydrator. Strawberries, mangoes, bananas and apples.

Fire said...

Haven't used one, but I do remembered loving my aunts homemade fruit roll ups.

Unknown said...

We love dehydrated fruits, especially mangos and bananas!

Valarie Dixon said...

I love dehydrated apples. A great easy snack anytime.

Jody's Babe said...

I like to make my own fruit leather so I can control the amount of sugar that goes in.

Kristi said...

I love dried mangoes and apricots. Mmm.

Sarah Jackson said...

My grandpa makes the best beef jerky. Ever.

JenHunsaker said...

The only thing I have personally dried is fruit rollups, but I LOVE dried mangoes, dried blueberries and dried bananas.

Nicole-Lynn said...

Great giveaway! I always go to watermelon or canteloupe when I'm dehydrated. Cucumbers are also great! They are all high in water content.


Jake and Alisa said...

I love doing beef jerky and bananas. They get eaten up so quick too!!

Donna said...

honey dipped apricots. SOOOooo yummy.

Brittany said...

I've never dehydrated anything myself, but I love apples and pears and bananas and fruit roll-ups and beef jerkey...so I would LOVE this!

...Sheri said...

I love to dehydrate sour pie cherries, strawberries, and apples!

Rocky said...

My favorite is to dry pears and apricots. It is honestly two of my favorite foods on this beautiful earth!

Fatebekind said...

I've only made beef jerky and that was over a campfire. I've been trying to convince my wife that we need a dehydrator but to no avail.

Sharon Gallup said...

I have never dehydrated anything myself, but I do love jerky. I would love to try doing fruit likes pears ar apricots. Ithink they would taste great.

Julie said...

fruit, fruit, fruit!

nfmgirl said...

I'd love to dry bananas, since they are my favorite!

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

Shannon said...

I love beef jerky! I've never dehydrated anything, but have wanted to try it for a while! I had friends growing up whose parents made the best beef jerky ever!

Michelle said...

Last year we got a ton of free plums, so I decided to try and dehydrate them. YUM! They were super delish!

Erica @ ChildOrganics said...

We love dried apples, but I'd love to try to do strawberries and fruit leathers to. Thanks for the chance!

IRK said...

Apples apples and more apples! I love them fresh, cidered and as dehydrated snacks!

Ms Do"mess"ticated said...

I think my favorite thing in a dehydrator is hamburger jerky that a friend makes sometimes, that's what I'd make if I had a dehydrator and I'd do a whole lotta fruits in it too...is there any such thing a bad dried fruit

Unknown said...

Beef jerky!

Kara said...

We dried strawberries last year. YUM! A new favorite.

Dan and Melissa said...

Beef jerky!

shorty said...

I don't want to sound like a dork but it is my dream to try!LOL

Unknown said...

I keep looking longingly at dehydrators. I would LOVE to dehydrate the food out of our little garden. My favorite dehydrated snack is apples. My 18 month old will bring me the #10 can of dried apples and beg for some. =)

Lynn said...

Herbs! I love to dry my own herbs from the garden. They are great for all winter. I just vacuum pack them in glass jars afterwards.

Lynda said...

I want to dry LOTS of elderberries!

Rachelle said...

Couldn't say. I've never dehydrated anything. I like eating dehydrated goods. So I figure this would be a step in that direction :)

Laurie said...

My goal this summer is to dehydrate pears!

saxon1014 said...

I have been wanting to get a dehydrator for awhile! I had one when the kids were little and I'd make 'fruit leathers' for them out of applesauce and baby food when it was on sale. Now we actually have fruit and nut trees and I've got access to 'food exchanges'. Since my oven broke, I can't even make my own.

Cindi said...

Any kind of fruit. I would also like to try fruit leathers.

Jenny said...

I've never dehydrated anything, but I love beef jerky and fruit leather! Thanks for the great giveaway!

jmojmo24 [at] gmail [dot] com

SolDucky said...

I looooove fruit leather and it would be awesome to make our own for snacks!
soluckyducky at {gmail} dot {com}

The Mrs. said...

I like dehydrated apples. Beef jerky is a family favorite.

JennyB said...

I've never actually dehydrated anything myself, but I love dehydrated apples. I'd like to have a dehydrater of my own!

Dakota Fields said...

I like dehydrated apples!

Tina said...

Fruit leather!

acorntooak said...

I can't make dried apples fast enough for my family. I never can store any because they eat them so fast. We have a very old dehydrator so would love a new more efficient one.

Emily said...

As a child, my favorite was definitely fruit leather, but now it's definitely beef jerky! My husband was so excited about using liquid smoke...

Anonymous said...

I love fruitleather and beef jerkey. However, the only dehydrated thing I've made was blueberries and they turned out like little BB's!! I'd love to try again!

Cari said...

We love jerky or as my kids used to call it "deer turkey". I also love all kinds of fruit, especially strawberries.

Ashley said...

Dehydrated peaches are my favorite! I've never made them myself, because I need a dehydrator! I hope I win.

Tiffany -- the mommy said...

dehydrated bananas.. that is our favorite!

Diane said...

It's been a while since I dehydrated because I was silly enough to give my dehydrator to my daughter a few years back. I don't regret her having it..but I wish I had one again. I like fruit leathers.

debsdialogues said...

I'm new to dehydrating, but make some beef jerkey that was absolutely amazing, and best of all was uber easy. My neighbor gave me some marshmallows she dehydrated and they were wonderful.

Laura B. said...

We love dried apples. I would LOVE this!

Twinmomwv said...

A dehydrator is on my wish list right now! I would love to win one. I love dried bananas and strawberries and want to learn to make our own fruit leather and crackers.

Leisa said...

I love fruit roll ups made in a dehydrator, so much better than store bought!

Jamie said...

I've made yummylicious fruit leather. That's about all!

Shane and Brandi said...

My favorite is fruit leather. My mom made it all the time when I was growing up!

Melinda said...

OH, I hope I'm not too late! I love dehydrated kale chips- they help me with my chip cravings!! thanks for the great giveaway!

my email is melindapollard(at)gmail(dot)com.

Anne said...

growing up my mom always dehydrated strawberries - they were soooo good!

Anne said...

growing up my mom always dehydrated strawberries - they were soooo good!

Amber said...

Fruit leather! Dried apricots from our tree growing up was a favorite too. I would love to have one.

Lnanaa said...

I've never dehydrated fruits or veggies before but I would love to try this. It looks good! :)

Beth said...

I have been wishing for a dehydrator, so I can dehydrate apples (my favorite) and make fruit leather from our over-abundant blackberries. Thanks for the chance to enter.

Unknown said...

I love dehydrated fruit, strawberries are great :)

sandy said...

As a runner, I absolutely love dried bananas!!! My husband hunts alot and makes all kinds of jerky too!
I don't have a dehydrator, but would really enjoy having one....

Domestic Diva said...

We make a lot of jerky. Thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

Another chance at a dehydrator? *woot* I really would love to get one, I need to ask for one for my birthday if I don't win. We have apricots, nectarines, peaches, apples & plums...not to mention the nut trees, but my old dehydrator didn't last till we moved here.

Lisa said...

I love dried fruit.