Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving from Safely Gathered In!

We won't be posting the rest of this week - hopefully everyone will be busy with their families, celebrating everything there is to be thankful for (and eating lots of turkey!)

We are so thankful for you, our readers!  Abbie and I have learned so much doing this blog, and you keep us motivated.

Finally, we never heard from our winner of the Shelf Reliance gift card (staceyk).  Staceyk, please email us!!  If we don't hear anything by tomorrow, we'll be drawing another winner and we'll post that on Friday - so stay tuned for that!

Happy Thanksgiving!!


  1. Happy Thanksliving to you!
    Thanks for this awesome blog.

  2. A very happy Thanksgiving to both you hard working girls and your families. I hope you thoroughly enjoy your well deserved break.:)

    Blessings, Joyce

  3. Finally emailed you back regarding the gift card. Thanks!

  4. I'm appreciate your writing skill.Please keep on working hard.^^
