
Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Wednesday's Giveaway--Reusable Grocery Totes****UPDATE: CONTEST CLOSED*****

You're going to need help
carrying all that food storage home from the store, so we've decided to help you out with some reusable grocery totes.

These grocery totes are inspired from the muslin bags I used while spending a month in Greece. Each week we would walk back from the laiki (the open air market) carrying our produce and any other treasures in simple muslin bags.

I've tried to recreate that feeling with these bags. It makes a crazy grocery visit a little sweeter to have these bags remind me of a warm summer breeze and sweet smelling fruit.

Two (2) people will win a set of three reusable grocery totes. Handmade and printed with a silver dish motif. And machine washable--what more do you want?

To enter, leave a comment on this post and answer the following question:

Where/when was your favorite vacation and why?

What? That has nothing to do with food storage? Huh? Who's in charge of this giveaway anyway?

One comment per person, please. This contest closes tomorrow (Thursday) at 9 a.m. EST.


Sarah said...

My favorite was probably to Memphis TN for Thanksgiving a couple of years ago. We were able to see and do so many things that we otherwise never would have.

Lake said...

Disneyworld Christmas 2006. My first trip with my husband and two of my three children. It was magical.

Lori said...

My favorite was Italy, because, well, it's Italy and whats not to love. Food, museums, beauty everywhere. I'm ready to go back!

Candace said...

In 2006 we went on a cruise to Alaska. It was so beautiful! I loved the scenery and the wild life we were able to see!

Dee said...

The coolness of the mountains in Colorado revive me every time we get there (I live in Texas!). Haven't been in 5 years but, God willing, am going back next week!

Laura said...

My favorite vacation was to Florence, Italy. My husband (back then my boyfriend!) had just proposed to me, and so we spent the time gazing romantically at each other. Now with two kids, I can't remember what that was like...but it's a nice memory, nonetheless!

Lisa said...

Oh my gosh! About 4 years ago I went to the Galapagos Islands! It was so amazing! I got up close and personal with penguins, dolphins, sea turtles, iguanas, and Blue-Footed Boobies! It was expensive but worth every penny! I'm saving to go back!

Donna said...

We went to Southern California and stayed with my Dad for Christmas 2005, all 13 of us! As though spending Chrismas with him wasn't enough... We also had 3 weeks of Disneyland, Universal Studios, Knott's Berry Farm, Sea World, San Diego Wild Animal Park, Beach. We visited Temples all the way down and all the way back home. We visted Bryce Canyon and the Grand Canyon. We visited with Family and Friends,played games, watched movies and had an absolute fantastic time!!

Barbara said...

We as a family rented a beach house in San Diego. We live in the arid desert of AZ and the cool ocean breezes and walking outside our door to the ocean was WAY fun.

Heidi said...

For the Christmas holiday when we were expecting our second child we flew to Germany to stay with my parents and then drove to Paris for a few days with our one year old. Even with a little one racing about the sights, it was a wonderful and romantic trip - the food, walking the river, the museums and Christmas markets. I loved it! Someday I hope to take my daughter back to the city I walked while pregnant with her. :)

My Two Seasons said...

We go camping several times each summer. Those have been my favorite vacations! Clean mountain air, trees and the lake, that's what I like! We're pretty simple!!

katharine said...

in college, i studied abroad in Vienna one semester. not only was it a beautiful, fun, safe place to visit - i also got to know my future husband on that trip!

Shayleen Lunt said...

Very cute bags! My favorite vacation is one I took before I had kids...Kirtland, Palmyra & Niagara with my hubby.
shaylenejohnson at hotmail dot com

Yart said...

When I was 18 I got to go to Vancouver. I was there for 3 weeks. I wish I new then what I know now.... To be 18 again and in a new city. Ahhhhh.

Shenna said...

I got to do a study abroad program in New Zealand (it seemed like more of a vacation than work!). Stayed there for four months and LOVED IT!

Mominin said...

My favorite was a vacation to Gulf Shores, AL six weeks after hurricane Ivan. We had the beach all to ourselves...it was wonderful! (Although the people we rented the house from weren't altogether honest...yeah their house was perfectly fine, but not much else was!!).

Shannon said...

definitely my honeymoon :)

Shannon said...

I'm gonna be a bum and say my honeymoon was my favorite so far. But then, college students don't have much of a vacation fund... maybe we'll get there soon!

Gen-IL Homesteader said...

Thanks for another fun giveaway! Best couple's vacation was me and hubby going to 'Sandals' in Jamaica. THE BEST!! I highly recommend 'Sandals' to anyone looking for a pampering, romantic vacation. They get it right! The best family vacation was taking our kids to France and Italy for their graduation trip after I finished homeschooling them the whole way through! I needed a vacation then, too!!! lol Thanks for helping us remember fun past times!

Anonymous said...

We went to the beach in Maine last year and made great memories and had a wonderful time

The Oman Family said...

My favorite vacation is a toss up between Brazil and Korea. I went to the amazon,and Iguazu falls in Brazil- they were beautiful!
In Korea I also went to China and saw the great wall and other really cool places.

Kathy said...

My favorite vacation was the Thanksgiving we went to my Grandma's house. It is so comfortable there and everyone ate and had a great time.

gina said...

My favorite vacation was when I went to Mexico with just my husband for our 7th anniversary. We left the kids with my mom and took off. That is what made it nice; time to reconnect with my husband without distractions; also, I loved all the fruit there. It was incredible and all tasted so good. It has been another 7 years since then...time for another trip!

Jana said...

Favorite vacation had to be when we took the kids back east. I fell in love with all the trees and beauty of the area!

Thomas said...

Favorite vacation? Just recently we spent a week and a half in a lake house in Austin TX with the entire extended family; it was a blast to see everyone, as we live spread out all over the country.

Sheffer's said...

We took our boys to CA last year to visit friends and go to Disneyland. It was the best vacation we've ever had!

Aleasha said...

We took a cruise with my family for my dad's 60th birthday! So much fun!!!

queenieweenie said...

Italy with my husband...enough said!

Our Family said...

Alisha Harrison- hiking to bottom of the Grand Canyon. Gorgeous

Heather said...

My favorite vacation was my graduation trip to San Diego with my husband. We went to Sea World and all the other parks and zoos. It was fun to relax after finals and spend some much needed time together in the sun!

Coordination Queen said...

I think my favorite is when we rented a beach house in outer banks, nc & spent the week with my sister, her husband & their kid. it was one of the most relaxing vacations i've ever been on.

The Mergenthaler Family said...

My favorite was last year when my husband and I went to Tulum, Mexico. It was wonderful to spend time with my best friend in a beautiful, historical place. Even though I missed our four children, I cherised the quiet time: no laundry, dishes, or diapers for a week!

MMW said...

I love going to the beach with my family. Second favourite - traveling abroad with my husband. Sometimes there's nothing better than being away from all the little kids.

Liz said...

We went to Maine to visit my sister. We camped near the ocean and listened to the whales while we fell asleep. I've never felt so calm in all of my life.

West Family said...

It is a 3 way tie! Hawaii for my honeymoon, first time at DisneyWorld with our 4 kids, and Cannon Beach Oregon. Really anywhere is fine with me, I love to go on vacation even if it is an hour away!

Becky said...

It is hard to decide. Probably my favorite was driving across the country with my husband in brothers, staying in Nauvoo for 24 hours, then flying to Idaho (26 hours in transit, with rentals and stuff) for my hubby's grandparents' 50th wedding anniversary.

My favorite since is was such an adventure with my honey!

Lynn said...

Well...actually my husband and I have never taken a vacation. I've never been on a boat, plane or train my entire life and the entire 22 years of marriage. Nope..no honeymoon either. No time or money. We both were going to school and well...then the kids came. 6 of them...

However, you didn't say a time limit on vacations and so I will say my most favorite was the time my parents took all of us kids to disneyland. They sacrificed a LOT for that trip. I was the oldest, and I was 10. The perfect age for disneyland. I have never forgotten that trip. We rode all the way from Canada down to California in a pick up truck. We ate, slept and LIVED in that truck. Got lost in the dessert in Arizona, I think, but survived. Good times!

Grannie K said...

I love Yellowstone. It is beautiful and I love critters. Even though there are thousands of people you can go around to the different attractions and not feel crowded or rushed. I can stop and take pictures of critters, my kids, my grand kids, or just enjoy the view and love every minute of it. I love Bryce and Zion's in Utah, but I think Yellowstone is my favorite.

lindaharper said...

My favorite place is the Northern Oregon coast. It's not commercialized and the views are breathtaking! I miss it living in South Carolina!

Bryce Beattie said...

I think my favorite is the family road trip to Arizona/Grand Canyon Last Year. We weren't in any kind of rush, we saw all manner of cool stuff, it was just a good time.

Unknown said...

My favorite vacation was a 3-week road trip we took two years ago. the boys were 2 1/2 and almost 6, and it was the best trip of our lives. No squabbling (how'd we do that? it hasn't worked since!) and seeing family and the beautiful west. It was truly idyllic.

Love the bags!

Taylor Family said...

It's a tie between 2 vacations--one just recently to New York City with my family-- what a blast!! And there's a great, affordable, family-friendly hotel just a few blocks from Rockefeller Center! The second was a cruise to Mexico with my extended family to celebrate my husband's parents' 50th wedding anniversary-- there were about 25 of us all together-- and no one had to cook!! (I actually LOVE to cook, but not for that many people:) )

Beth said...

I think my favorite was taking our 3 year old to Disneyland for the first time...what could be more fun for a little one than spending a few days at Disneyland??

Shari Davis said...

Mine isn't really a vacation, but we were stationed in Monterey, CA when we first got married and I loved it. We traveled along the coast on the PCH, ate at all the seafood restaurants on the warf and along Cannery Row. We lived 5 minutes from the beach. It was heaven!!!! and a constant vacation!!

Melanie said...

One of my favorite vacations was when my husband and I went to Hawaii. We don't live near the ocean, so we loved getting to spend each day by the water. Our room had a walkout balcony that overlooked the beach, and we would sleep to the sounds of the ocean. We went just before Christmas, so it wasn't their busy season, although the weather there was perfect. It was a great way to relax before the stress of the holidays!

Gretta said...

Everytime we go to Disney World, because it is the most magical place on earth.

Keri said...

I did a study abroad in London that was fantastic. I saw 30-something shows in the two months I was there. (I'm a big theater fan.) For a normal vacation, visiting my brother who lived in Hawaii at the time was great because it was so gorgeous (and I hadn't seen my brother in several years).

Michael and Emily said...

My favorite vacation spot is Lake Powell. My family has been going down every year for the last 16 years or so. I could live down there, as long as I could jump in whenever I needed to!

Svedi Pie said...

cross between the time my sisters and I stayed in Hawaii for a 2 months and the Mexican cruise I went on with my hubby. Both were so different, but both vacations brought togetherness, relaxation and getting to spend time and know loved one even better.

I've been wanting to get some bags - hope I get these!! :D

everydayjami said...

San Fransisco with my husband. So much fun and a special art exhibit was at the SFMOMA.

michelle said...

My favorite was my honeymoon in Mexico!

Jessica Anderson said...

My favorite vacation was my honeymoon with my husband to Hawaii, because that was the last time we had a vacation together (alone) since we've had kids.

Unknown said...

We enjoyed our vacation a few years ago to California. Visiting relatives, relaxing on the beach and endless fresh fruit & salsa .... Fabulous!!

Jill said...

My favorite vacation was the trip my husband and I took for our four-year anniversary. We went back to Bear Lake, one of the three cities we visited on our honeymoon. No kids. no phones. Just us.

Donna said...

We went camping at the beach. It was wonderful to just hang out with my hubby and kids. Riding bikes, making s'mores, and jumping in the waves. It's been 8 years and the kids still talk about that trip and ask when we can go again.

Anonymous said...

Such cute bags!! My favorite vacation happened when I was a kid. My parents were divorced and so my dad would take us for 2 weeks or so during the summer. Almost every summer he would take us to disney land. It was a blast spending time with him and going on all the rides together. My favorite time was when I was 16. We got a picture after riding Splash Mountain and I have it in one of my scrapbooks:) My husband and I are so poor we haven't had much of a vacation yet:P LOL

Valerie said...

My favorite vacation was in college when I was studying abroad in Paris for a semester. Living in Paris was amazing enough, but we were able to travel to Venice, Berlin, and Bern as well! It was a fabulous time and I learned sooo much while I was there. It was just peaceful, exciting, romantic, and everything else! I really really want to go back and take my husband there!

Robin said...

Hmmm! Would have to Miami Beach. Just laying in that warm sand enjoying the waves.

Destiny said...

My husband and I went to Disneyland for our 5th anniversary. It was our first time there and our first vacation w/o kids.

Anonymous said...

This spring my family went to Texas to see our sister graduate from the Air Force. We made a vacation out of it. All the sightseeing and eating we did was fun, but what made it so special was that we got to do it with our sister. It was amazing to see how she had changed in just a few short weeks of boot camp. I treasure that time with her!

Dan and Melissa said...

Going to Wisconsin when I was little, by bus! It was so fun to see all the people that got on the bus, and we got to go to Great America while there. And hang out with family of course!

Denise B said...

My favorite vacation was a trip to Yosemite a couple years ago when the kids were small. Seeing Yosemite for the first time again through my kids eyes was unforgettable. The fresh air, beautiful vistas, and freezing nights will always be remembered.

Anonymous said...

I absolutely LOVED my experience on the Disney Cruise Line! Their customer service and attention to detail is bar none. Such an incredible, catered experience.


sos said...

I like using fabric bags for shopping - those are great. I enjoyed a cross-country ski trip I took with sisters and roommate to Estes Park in Colorado one spring break during college. There were five of us in the car with all of our gear, driving from Wisconsin to Colorado. We had a great time.

Mary said...

Aloha! My husband had a business trip to Hawaii. I went with him. Need I say more?

holdenj said...

My favorite vacation was to Alaska. We had relatives living there that I had never met before. They took us fishing and we ate some of the best salmon and halibut I've ever had. The cousin from there is the one who helped me "learn" how to can!

Thanks for the chance to win the muslin bags.

JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com

Stacy said...

My most favorite vacation...our trip to Maui 14 years ago. I haven't been that relaxed since then.

misskp said...

My Favorite Vacation

Once, many, many moons ago, I took a train trip from my home in Salt Lake City to my original home in Wenatchee, Washington. I was on the train for 23 hours. I had almost every experience on that trip: sleeping, eating, showering, sharing space with people I didn't know. It was Christmas and everyone was in a festive mood. Some passengers even wore Santa hats, adding to the homey feeling. I remember the smells, the voices, the feeling, even now, 23 years later. It was the best time ever!

Coach Carole said...

My most favorite vacation was to Israel. I love the land.

Michelle said...

My favorite vacation was this past spring break. My husband is a 2nd year med student. We have not seen him much this year. We took a quick trip to Sequim. It was beautiful. We had so much fun hiking, visiting the beach, and relaxing as a family. I will always remember that trip. I hope my kids will remember it too.

debsdialogues said...

My favorite vacation was going out to see my parents in Colorado. That was also the trip that my daughter got bitten by a racoon and had to have the series of rabies shots. Made the trip very memorable!

Anonymous said...

My favorite vacation was our trip to Nauvoo, IL last year. Our kids loved it and I keep trying to devise a way to get back!

Laurel said...

Anytime I get to visit my grandma in Fallbrook, CA. It's my favorite place to relax.

Cyndy J said...

Cyndy J

I loved Sedona AZ

reprehriestless warillever said...

Driving through California last summer. Eating in a storage meal sort of way too -- we "cooked" only meals that we could store at room temperature.

Ashley said...

Rome, Italy, is the most magical place on earth. That's my humble opinion, anyway. I would go back in a heartbeat. We were there with most of my in-laws to pick up my husband's little bro from his mission. It was the awesomest vacation ever.

Lindsey said...

Honeymoon. It was nice to just have the two of us together and be done with all the wedding drama!

Kim said...

My favorite vacation was to Mexico in 2007. I had never been there and I love just relaxing at the beach!

Jenn said...

My favorite vacation was this past December - we drove my brother out to Utah - and we got to go food storage shopping!!!! Some days living in Ohio is just tough...

Celeste said...

Sochi, a Russian city on the Black Sea. Beautiful weather, amazing water, citrus trees, rock beaches, dolphins, and rock bottom prices--my room was beautiful, walking distance from the beach and the boardwalk, all modern amenities and I paid $17 a night including being picked up at the airport!!

Jenni McVey said...

My favorite vacation was a trip to San Diego with my husband 5 years ago. We had so much fun chillin' on the beach and visiting Old Town. Really it was just about being together!

Sara DMS said...

My husband and I have been to Maui several times WITHOUT kids, and it is always the best vacation ever. We drink coffee on the lanai and read books, swim in the ocean, lay on the beach and read books, eat what we want when we want, and generally do nothing unless we feel like it! So relaxing...

Christina said...

To Europe with my family. We camped our way through Europe for 4 weeks. We had so many wonderful adventures.

Kristi said...

Definitely would have to pick the 7 day island-hopping cruise in Hawaii, followed by 3 more days on Oahu. Good, good times.

Beth said...

Favorite recent vacation: Last October, my sweetheart and I went to New York City. Sheer bliss.

My favorite childhood vacations were our yearly trips to Patrick Creek Lodge in Northern California. If you're ever in the area, I highly recommend it. I returned there as an adult and it still had the same rustic charm.

Valerie said...

My favorite vacation was 12 years ago to St. Augustine, Florida. We ate outside at a nice restauarnt overlooking the Bay of Dolphins and the Castillo de San Marcos. The breeze, the view, the family...it was a moment of perfection.

Kathy said...

My favorite vacation was going to London for my sister's wedding. What a great place!

Sarah said...

Favorite vacation was a trip to Washington DC with my husband when we were first married. Though we had been there before many times, it was so fun to share our favorite parts of the city together!

nanci said...

Colonial Williamsburg, (Virginia) 3 times in the past 20 years. Every time I go there I love it more and more!

Carol said...

A few years ago we celebrated our 25 wedding anniversary and my dh planned the whole trip. It was so fun, we went up to Seattle and took a day cruise up to Friday Harbor, watched the whales, rented a car on the island and drove around. It was so fun! I liked not knowing what we were doing next!

Pooda said...

In high school our French Club spent two years raising money for a trip to France. It was worth all the effort!

Anonymous said...

Italy! The food, the history, the art, the people, the shopping, the sightseeing, the culture, did I mention the food?

Evelyn said...

My favorite was Honolulu, HI...I went there for my brother's wedding, and the place not only is beautiful, but everyone is so friendly, and everything is so bright and colorful!