Wednesday, January 21, 2009

How To...Grow Wheatgrass

As I was perusing craft blogs, which I am prone to do, I came across the idea of growing wheatgrass here and another tutorial here.. It reminded me of college and smoothies. I love smoothies. It looked easy to grow and although it's not lettuce, it technically could be considered a vegetable, right? Well, it's green and my Mom used to make me eat something green every dinner, so green is a big deal to me. So if you didn't have veggies around, wheatgrass could help balance out your meals. Or you could just throw it in smoothies, like me. Yum.

So, grab some wheat and spread it in a single layer in a dish any size. Cover it with water.

Let it sit on your counter top until it sprouts. You can change the water if it gets cloudy.

See the little white things poking out of the wheat kernels?

When the wheat sprouts, fill your chosen container with soil. Any dirt will work.

Drain the water from your wheat and layer the wheat on top of the soil.

I really packed it on there, because of course I germinated too many.

Water the seeds, so the soil is damp.

Then cover the container with saran wrap.

I secured my saran wrap with a rubber band because I buy cheap saran wrap and it never seems to stay.

Place in a dark place, like the pantry.

See, dark.

When the wheat really sprouts, pull it out of the dark.


And place in a sunny location

The same day you put the wheat in the sun the sprouts will perk up and head towards the light.

Really, it's amazing!

After just a few days this is what I had! (Try to ignore the sugar scrub, that was from a different project. Although the recipe is food storage friendly!) I kept watering the wheatgrass when it was dry and when I wanted some grass for smoothies, I just snipped off bunches with scissors and it grew back within days.

It lasted several months (until I stopped watering it) and had a beautiful green color the entire time. Sure to cheer you up during the dark, gray winter months. Go grow some grass!


  1. Really great tutorial! Thanks.

    Also, back in the day my mom was on a health food kick and used to add sprouted wheat (kernel and a bit of the green sprout) into her bread dough before baking. I remember the bread being a bit green, very moist and hugely tasty. It had a bit of crunch (kind of like when you add sunflower seeds and such to the top) and the taste was fabulous. Other than the idea I can't help you, but I think it would e great to experiment and see if I can remake what mom did...

  2. Awesome. I will totally do this.

  3. Looks awesome! and healthy too. I have been wanting to do this for an "Easter Basket" project- wouldn't that make a cute centerpiece in a basket? Also how about that recipe for the sugar scrub! Can you make a 72 hour emergency spa kit. LOL

  4. Wow, thanks! It's nice to finally see something new to do with all that wheat.

  5. Thanks for sharing this! I love the humour too.. 'See, dark.' lol keep up the great posts. :)

  6. Just curious...what kind of smoothie did you make with this wheatgrass? I might want to try it!

  7. I had no idea it was this easy to grow wheat grass. How cool! I'm going to do this for sure. My hubby always gets the wheat grass "shots" at Jamba, is this the same thing?

  8. So cool! I'm going to try this! Thanks!!!

  9. Wow! This looks like a really fun thing to do! It's healthy and it's decorative - would look great in my kitchen, makes a good gift . . . I'm thinking all sorts of things!


  10. I have wanted to learn this for years- my gramma tried to teach me and it just didn't make sense. But THIS IS SO AWESOME! Great tutorial, thank you so much!

    (ps- can you add the 'followers' gadget to this? then It'll automatically get my blogroll to pick it up!??? :) )

  11. I've never made smoothies with wheatgrass in them... do you just put the grass that you clipped in the blender with the rest of the stuff? Do you have to chop it up first? How does that work?

  12. Your indoor cats will love you for growing wheat grass. I've been doing it for years, but I just lay the dry wheat berries on the dirt, water them well, then stand back and wait for them to grow. It only takes a few days, and skips several of the early steps in your process.

  13. Great tutorial! I love the look of wheatgrass in the spring. I linked to you here:

    Thanks again for the great blog!

  14. Hope you don't mind but I linked you to my facebook. This was not only the easiest to understand but the most fun as well.

    Gonna grow wheatgrass in Easter baskets this year!


