Friday, January 23, 2009

Food Storage Friday: Whipped Topping

Hi, Brittany here. I realized I tend to provide food storage recipes that are so painfully easy it's almost insulting to your intelligence. Please don't be insulted.

I adore whipping cream, don't you? Especially whipped cream, when it's gently dolloped on, oh, anything. However, sometimes I don't make a particular recipe simply because I feel it would be naked without whipped cream, and I don't have any in the house. Well, not anymore!

Today I'll show you how to make whipped cream--okay, whipped topping--from powdered milk. It's not glamorous, but it's very helpful in adding that little something extra. It's also psychologically indulgent because it looks rich but is really fat-free!

Ingredients: instant powdered milk, sugar, cold water, and vanilla.

Begin by pouring 1/2 cup cold water into a bowl and add 1/2 cup instant powdered milk. Beat to soft peak stage, which according to the recipe is about 4 minutes at medium-high speed with an electric mixer.Next, add 1/2 teaspoon vanilla or lemon extract (I used vanilla) and beat 6 to 7 minutes again.

Add 2 tablespoons sugar and beat for another minute. (Having a helper is very useful here.)

A taste-tester is also a requirement.

Ta-dah! And there you have it, ladies and gentlemen--whipped topping! My family thought it gave our last-minute crepes that little extra oomph.

Whipped Topping
(from back of Kroger Instant Nonfat Dry Milk box)

Mix 1/2 cup Kroger Instant Nonfat Dry Milk with 1/2 cup cold water. Beat to soft peak stage--about 4 minutes at medium-high speed on electric mixer. Add 1/2 teaspoon lemon or vanilla extract and beat 6 to 7 minutes at same speed. Add 2 tablespoons sugar and beat 1 minute at same speed. Serve as a topping instead of whipped cream.


  1. OMG! Fabulous! That is my kind of food storage :>)

  2. Now THAT'S a recipe I can get my lips around! Now if I had some home made apple pie to put it on!

    Just gained another pound or two!

  3. I had no idea you could make whipped topping from powdered milk. What a great addition to a food storage menu!! Thanks for sharing!

  4. I have to echo what others have said: I had no clue you could make whipped topping from dry milk. I SOOOO adding this to my recipe book! Thanks for being so creative (and for sharing it with us!)

  5. Yeah for whipping cream! :) That is good to know that you can make with powdered milk seeing how I have several containers of it. Thanks for sharing

  6. Cool... I am adding this to my recipe book as we speak. If I have to rely totally on food storage one day - I'll need goodies and extra oomph!! Thanks!

  7. Great recipe. I am always needing cool whip and never have it. I very vaguely remember my mom making cool whip similar to that. Great idea.

  8. That is so great!!!! Thank you for sharing.

  9. I'll give this one a try.


  10. Does it have to be INSTANT powdered milk? Would regular powdered work? I don't store the instant variety. . . Please let me know!

  11. I tried this recipe tonight and I got rave reviews from the family. Definetly a keeper!!

  12. WOW!!!! I'm impressed. This is just terrific.Thankyou so much.

    Blessings Gail

  13. From the picture, I can see Kroger brand powdered milk and Kroger brand vanilla. Is it also Kroger brand sugar? (Just kidding)

    @Flashlight Girl - We just tried making this tonight with whatever powdered milk we had in our storage, it worked fine. I don't think that there's a difference between instant and regular powdered milk.

  14. k, what did i do wrong then? I used regular powdered milk and it turned out a weird grainy texture. all went to waste. Now I'm afraid to do it again. I don't have any instant to try it with. But it's pretty cool to know it is possible.

  15. Wow! I was very skeptical when I read this, but I tried it, and it actually works! I've tried making whipped topping with evap milk before, and could never figure it out. I just left my mixer on high and didn't look at it for the first 5 minutes, if I had looked at it, I'm sure somehow it wouldn't work, lol. Thanks so much, love your site!

  16. nükhet kuzuoğluMay 26, 2012 at 4:02 AM

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  17. Hi can this be stabilized by adding gelatin?
