Saturday, December 6, 2008

Weekend Roundup: More Food Storage Recipes

Sometimes as I peruse cooking blogs, I come across recipes that are food storage ready or could be tweaked easily to be food storage friendly. Here are a couple I found this week: 

 For Pioneer Woman's dinner rolls, mix together some powdered milk into water and chill overnight, then incorporate it into the recipe in place of the milk. 

Check out these gourmet homemade crackers over at Smitten Kitchen.

In other food storage news:

Everyday Food Storage has some holiday neighbor gift ideas here and here using food storage and recycled items.

I enjoyed this From Fresh to Store-able Conversion chart from Preparedness Brings Peace. Lots of good information.  I also read their Keeping Warm During Winter Emergencies article and was grateful for my quilting hobby. We'll have lots of blankets to keep us warm should we need it!

Come back next week for our question and answer post.

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