Wednesday, November 5, 2008

A food storage / emergency preparedness wish list

In past years, whenever my husband/parents/in-laws asked me what I wanted for Christmas/birthday/anniversary, my mind went blank. Well, this year I know exactly what I'm asking for - food storage and emergency preparedness items!

We have compiled a Food Storage and Emergency Preparedness "Wish List". These are things that you may want to consider purchasing for yourself (or spouse, parents, children) this year, or you can mention these items when someone asks what you want!

We've broken down the items by price, but of course many items range in prices, so some things may be listed under two prices. If you aren't sure what some of these items are, just Google them and they're pretty explanatory. Or, feel free to email us (safelygatheredin (at) and we'll give you more information about a certain product, along with some recommendations.

*Note: these prices are based on quick online research. Shopping around or buying used will help you find the best deal on any of these items.

Under $20
Small first aid kits
Flashlights for the whole family
Jumper cables
Fuel for your camp stoves or grills
water storage containers
spices and herbs
seeds for the garden
bottles/jars for canning

$20 - 50
Water purifiers
good-quality sleeping bag
jumper cables
Dutch oven
Solar-powered radio (or solar radio/flashlight combo)
Wheat grinder (very small, hand cranked - useful if you lose electricity!)

Ready-made 72-hour kits
Wheat grinder (small - hand cranked or automatics)
Pressure cooker (small)
55-gallon drum for water storage

Rotating shelf systems (small)
Wheat grinder (small electric)
Good quality electric or hand-crank wheat grinder
Pressure cooker (large)

Rotating shelf systems (small to large)
Good quality electric wheat grinder
Pressure cooker (huge)
Good quality, large solar oven

Generators (for information on these, read a Popular Mechanics article here)

You could also just ask for some actual food storage - #10 cans of wheat, rice, beans, oats, powdered milk, etc.... YUM!

Anything else you can think of??


  1. Great list. I have also asked for sleeping bags. In kids stockings our kids get toothpaste, toothbrushs, bandaids, a new hair brush, fun shampoos, fun soaps. We call it Christmas of the essentials. Tif

  2. These are great ideas. Last year for Christmas I gave all of my siblings and their families a Sanitation Kit for their 72 Hr Kits. They were super easy, and very inexpensive. A good start to any 72 Hr Kit.

  3. There were things I never thought of that my mom-in-law included in our bag that we might need for an earth quake (to help the community & our own house like moving branches or rubble)- like heavy duty gloves, masks, goggles, hatchet, head lamps, tarps, etc.

  4. LOVE IT! It's a great gift. Have you seen the Food Storage Fairy poem? I think it's important to let people know about food storage and get them excited about it.

  5. Awesome list! Thanks for sharing!

    It makes the elephant look eatable!

  6. You might also wanna include batteries for your flashlights
