Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Tuesday, Week 22 (already?!)

I can't believe we've been going at this for 22 weeks! We hope that you are all learning and benefiting from our site as much as we are. Food storage and emergency preparedness have become real passions of mine since starting this blog.

This week for your 72-hour kit, add some candy! You may have already done this when you gathered the food, but if you haven't, later this week and early next week will be perfect times to enjoy the post-holiday sales. Add candy that your family enjoys - or that you know would be a special treat for them. You don't need much; even a little bit will go far in brightening your kids' (or your) day, making those 72 hours a bit easier. Be sure to get candy that won't melt.

Buy another meal or two this week for your 3-month supply, and put it in your food storage. Hopefully by now you have a good amount of food stored up - if not, that's ok. I think that it's important to develop the habit of buying food storage. Every time I visit the grocery store, I find myself looking around carefully for non-perishable food on sale to add to my food storage. It's become a habit for me, and it's really helped.

This is our last week to focus on gathering oats for your longer-term storage. Hopefully you've been able to gather some up so you can enjoy the recipes we've shared. The granola and baked oatmeal recipes look especially delicious, and I know my family could definitely eat those meals frequently if we had to. We even shared a dessert recipe - macaroons! Who wouldn't love those?? (reminder to self: buy cocoa powder for food storage!)

We are starting an exciting new series on Thursday - Gluten-Free Food Storage! We know that many people have problems with eating gluten, and this can pose a real difficulty when it comes to food storage. This Thursday, we will have an article on gluten-free food storage, and then for 3 Thursdays after that we'll be sharing 3 delicious gluten-free recipes, all made from food storage! We are very excited about this series, which will be written by a guest poster.

On Friday we'll have our usual Food Storage Friday, and on Saturday we'll be answering more of your questions!


  1. Great blog. We try to add food storage very time we go to the store as well as build up longer-term items.

  2. Um, all I can say is the only candy that could comfort me in an emergency melts. Sigh...I guess I'll have to replace chocolate with something less comforting but still reasonably tasty, like Red Vines! :-)

  3. THANKS for reading my email and planning your gluten free week. I appreciate it SO MUCH!

  4. Hannah - I am glad my blog showed up in google and you left me a comment! I love your blog, thank you for taking the time to create such a great site!
