Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Tuesday! (Week #17)

This week for your 72-hour kits, gather infant and feminine needs. Infant needs include a clean bottle, some formula (if you formula-feed), some diapers and wipes, and maybe a pacifier. Diapers are tough to store because babies grow so quickly, but if you remember to rotate them every time your baby changes sizes, that would be great. I think I'm going to put a few size ones in, maybe some threes, and mostly fours or fives. Bigger is better, in my opinion. It's easier to get a big diaper on a small baby rather than a small diaper on an older baby.

This week my Target had backpacks for 75% off, so I bought 4 (I had been waiting to buy mine). If you still don't have backpacks, now is the time to get them on sale!

Also consider stocking up on infant and feminine needs for your 3-month supply. The great thing about these things is that they don't expire or go bad in hot weather (except for the formula), so these can be stored virtually anywhere - in your hot attic, your garage, crawlspace, etc.

How's your wheat supply coming along for your longer-term storage? Don't forget that you DON'T NEED A GRINDER in order to cook with wheat. I used to put off buying wheat because I don't have a grinder and figured wheat was pointless without one. That's not true! Check out our post from a few weeks ago for more information.


  1. I have also heard of putting some cloth diapers in your 72 hour kit. It probably wouldn't be a bad idea for the 3 month either though.

  2. I decided to buy some cloth diapers, pins, and plastic pants for my storage. My baby uses disposable right now and even though I don't use cloth, they will work for an emergency!

    Cloth pins are sold at the dollar stores!

  3. For anyone who needs a backpack...I noticed backpacks are finally 75% off at Target today. This is a great deal, especially if you pick up a Jansport backpack since they carry a lifetime warranty. I know of at least two people who had a minor problem (such as a zipper break or a rip in the bag), and the company made good on it by sending them a replacement that was as good or better than the original item.

  4. My cousin in Texas just weathered Hurricane Ike and she has some good tips and stories on her blog, if you want to check it out. http://jadroberts.blogspot.com/

  5. I took my first steps toward preparedness today since I found your blog! Don't you feel like proud parents? ;) Anyway, I was stoked about the backpacks at Target being 75% off, so I went today and got 2 Jansports (reg. $45) for less than $12 each! Plus I got a smaller backpack for my daughter for $3. I felt so smug as I paid for my purchases, which totalled well under the regular price of 1 backpack. Thanks for inspiring me!
